
このページは、『英単語ターゲット1900 6訂版』の掲載単語(421-440)を使った書き取り問題の解答です(問題はこちら)。







【421. perceive】

 □ He perceived this problem as serious.




【422. distinguish】

 □ Can you distinguish real news from fake news?




【423. imply】

 □ His silence implied that he disagreed with the plan.




【424. handle】

 □ Students must handle glassware with care in the laboratory.




【425. praise】

 □ Her performance was highly praised by the audience.




【426. appeal】

 □ The message of the movie appeals to people all over the world.




【427. insist】

 □ He insisted on[upon] his innocence throughout the trial.




【428. compete】

 □ Local shops compete with[against] online retailers for customers.




【429. rank】

 □ Many people rank 2020 as the most difficult year.




【430. deny】

 □ He denied breaking the rules of the game.




【431. reject】

 □ We rarely reject an application without good reason.




【432. intend】

 □ I intend to study abroad next year.




【433. expose】

 □ She exposed her skin to the sun on the beach.




【434. favor】

 □ Will you do me a favor and help?




【435. inspire】

 □ He inspired his teammates to practice harder.




【436. propose】

 □ I proposed that we (shouldstart the project soon.




【437. spell】

 □ He spelled[spelt] my name wrong.




【438. breathe】

 □ Remember to breathe deeply before your speech.




【439. repair】

 □ I had my broken watch repaired.




【440. consist】

 □ One day consists of 86,400 seconds.










