It's time to pull your sunnies out! (*☻-☻*)
Let's admit it. We all love Ray-Ban! If we don't have a pair we wish we did and envy those who do. On 7/29 I had the luck to be invited to Ray-Ban Japan Polarized event口紅

It was a great night because of all the young Tokyo hipsters that attended. I went with Mai, Melody, Iris, and Kelleyチョキ

The next day Melody and I went to the Aoyama Ray-Ban store to pick our polarized lenses!

Lucky lucky! I got the ClubMasters!

Aren't they awesome(*☻-☻*)

ひらめき電球To find the latest drop by their store in Aoyama or drop by Loft in Shibuya to find a nifty, vintage pair


Liv Lo