たった今、バベル大学院の金融法の最終課題を提出できました。うわ〜ホッとした。出産するまでの次の6週間のスケジュールがとても詰まっているので、順調に進めていかんとスケジュールが間に合わないところなんですが、お腹がここまで大きくなると、どうにも集中力が続きにくくて、しかもしょっちゅうトイレに行かないといけないし。。。。クシャミするたびにチビっちゃうし(ゲ〜? 赤ちゃんの位置がとても低くて負担が大きいため)、全く良いことない。でも、次の6週間頑張るぞ〜! 残るは、アメリカ担保・保証法の4課題分の提出と英文契約書の日本語翻訳コースの契約書の翻訳が8課題、プラスそのコースの最終テストと受講レポートが4つ。これを全て3月の5日辺りまで(8日が出産予定日のため)に完了すれば、スケジュール通りです。




so I just submitted my final assignment for my finance law course at Babel University Professional School of Translation, and feel so relieved!! I've got 6 weeks left until I'm due and have tons of stuff to finish before giving birth, so unless I really stick to my schedule it'll be hard to finish everythign. But my stomach is pretty big at this point so it's quite hard to concentrate to be honest, and I have to go to the bathroom ALL THE TIME.. . . . .plus I pee in my pants everytime I sneeze (which is just great. . . it seems the baby is really low in my stomach), so that's not great either. But I'm going to push through the next 6 weeks!  I just have to finish my Security Interests and Suretyship Law course for which I have 4 assignments leftover, then my English to Japanese contract translation course which involves 8 assignments, plus a final test for that course, and 4 course completion reports. If I finish all of this by around March 5 (since I'm supposed to give birth around the 8th), then I'd be able to stick to my schedule.

The preparation for the summer art camp (Designing Artists Academy) for the children's homes (or orphanages) is going pretty well. I need to look over English and Japanese versions of the letter to the volunteer artists today and give an "ok" to my team so that the letters to the artists will go out today, so that's fine. And then I need to confirm mid-Feb that we've secured the facility for the camp, and wait until beginning of March for the news from Nippon Foundation on whether we've been chosen for the funding.  (this blog is helping me to review my schedule in my head). Thinking of all the things I need to do. . . .yes, I think it's doable.  I'll think of this song to help push me through to March 8.  Ride of the Valkyries by Wagner