






去年の半ばには、うちの二匹のヨークシャテリアのかなり過酷な訓練を始めましたが、良いトレーナー(Kelly Brown)に巡り会えて、犬があらゆる面で(特に人や車が家の前を通り過ぎた時の吠え方)がとてもよくなりました。



2019年のゴールはと言いますと。。。二人目の娘が3月8日に生まれるので、ということは、多分バベル対学院から産休を取らないといかなくなると思います。犬は、もうかなり良くなったので、訓練を少しリラックスできるので、やはり赤ちゃんの面倒を見ながらソフィーとも十分に遊ぶことと、それとデザイニング・アーティスト・アカデミーの準備ですね!うわーキャンプまで残り7ヶ月以下です。3月に日本財団からの助成金(約3百万)が承認されないと、資金面がかなり心配です。でも、取り敢えずは、キャンプの予定とアーティストの収集を進めて、児童養護施設とお話をしながら準備を進めていきましょう。あとは、子育てをしながら法律関係のものをガンガン読んで(授乳しながら読む予定です)、ガレージのジムで運動を続けること。ランニング・マシーンとウェイト・トレーニングの機械を設置して正解でした。あとは、最後に、ブログを継続することですね! 忙しい一年になりそうです。



January 16 blog

Well, 2018 went by very quickly. It's amazing how quickly time goes by even with just one child. 

Last year was quite a turbulent year continuing to work on my master's degree in the translation of legalize with Babel University Professional School of Translation, and the office staff members in Tokyo continue to amaze me with how quickly they respond to my every email and how encouraging and nice they are.  If it wasn't for their positivity and encouragement, I don't think I'd be enjoying studying this much. I've become incredibly busy in my charity work with YouMeWeNPO which is a Tokyo-based non-profit organisation supporting orphaned children living in Japan. Besides studying translation and exercising, this is one of my passions, as I have now been working in programs for orphans on-and-off for about 10 years, and we are restarting an arts camp for orphans this year, called Designing Artists' Academy. It's a lot of work and a lot of commitment, and is all very much worth it in order to give orphaned children a better future. In the middle of last year I started dog training for my 2 Yorkshire Terriers with certified dog trainer Kelly Brown.  The progress with my two dogs have been amazing, thanks to her training. And our daughter Sophie has become such a bubbly (and talkative!) young lady. 

This year, we are expecting our second daughter on March 8, which means that I will probably have to take a break from my studies with Babel, and our dogs are much better behaved so I can take it easy on the training. My goal is to raise our baby while giving enough attention to Sophie, and to keep planning our Desinging Artists' Academy that's coming up in August, which is less than 7 months away!  If we don't receive funding (about 3million yen) from Nippon Foundation in March, we are going to be in a bit of financial travel, but I must keep my fingers crossed and just keep planning what I can plan for the moment, and get volunteer artists and keep communicating with the children's home staff memebrs.  I need to also keep reading law material while raising our next daughter (can do that while breastfeering), and keep exercising in our home gym. I love our new home gym! And oh, I must keep up my blog! It feels like it's going to be a busy year!