Russian and Ukranian soldiers went to heaven ? | ヨハネのブログ


I am Japanese female Christian Masako
Katahira, age 66.

I stay at Kagoshima,Japan after 2-year-stay of Yerevan, Armenia from September 2022.
I love Jehovah God and the Bible.
I explaine Bible
prophecies in my
Yohane no blog.

 (1) Many Russian and Ukranian soldiers died 

  Since about  3 months passed after  the invasion started , the Ukranian government announced 100 to 200 Ukranian soldiers die every day.

  Meanwhile  Russian soldiers die like flies drop quickly , Ukranian soldiers also die as disposable items little by little.

   I feel sorry for them. If they lived , they would contribute to their country's development.

 I think they wanted  to live longer. Did those soldiers sacrifice their life for their country ? Fighting for their country  is  good ?

  But it was  good in the eyes of Jehovah?  Not at all!

(2) Sadly saying, both Russian and Ukranian soldiers are dying

   I think Russian soldiers are not permitted to act independently . 

I heard their smartphones were taken away from them by Russian upper commanders. So they couldn't think independently.

 As the result,  Russian soldiers  couldn't cooperate with one another. Because they couldn't contact each other. They couldn't research  their situations. So they didn't fight effectively.

  If Russian goverment gave their soldiers and citizens tools to learn a lot of things, they Russian  can become wiser. They can understand the grounds of what the government says. 

  But some Russian people may oppose what the government says . But it's okay. 

   Generally speaking, whole the Russian people can become more intelligent. It's good for Russia to develop.

   When I cannot understand something, I try to check on the net . 

Even when I cannot understand some language words , I  check on the net and I research its evidences . 

 So I feel like I can increase my understanding of he world situations. Then, Russian soldiers and citizens can understand it also.

   I think it's unbelievable!   Why Russian army comander  take away effective tools from ordinary Russian soldiers ?

   Russian soldiers couldn't search their location by google map or yandex map ? 

    Or did they have any other latelest tool equipped in the tank locating their place and contacting each other ?

 Or only they are expected to obey upper high commander blindly? Or did they move forward blindly ? It's incredible !

  I am not a  military specialist. But I think this way. Am I wrong ?

    Meanwhile Ukranian soldirrs were allowed to use their independency a little. It helped their life to become longer a little.

   I know many people prayed to Jehovah to help Ukranian people.

So I think Jehovah helps Ukranian soldiers a little so that a lot more Uklranian people have time to flee to safer places.

   But Jesus words apply to both of them. Jesus said to us " those who take up sword will perish by sword." 

( Matthew 26:52)

when we take up weapons ,we perish by weapons 

  Soldiers of both  countries died in harmony with Jesus' word.

(3) Did those soldiers go to heaven ?

  Then, those  soldiers went to heaven? No. those soldiers perish by Sword, or wepons. 

    If they go to heaven, they are not said they perish.  So if we fight with weapons , we cannot go to heaven.

  They were disobedient to god's order. We must not murder.

   The revelation says as for murderer , their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. this means the second death.(Revelation oeve21;8)

what is the burning lake? It is not the hell. It means the second death 

 But there is no the lake that burns with fire and sulfur where bad people are drowing and have affriction in this world. Such places don't exist anywhere on the earth.

  Center of the earth has so hot melting rocks called Mantle. But of course , this mantle place is not hell.

     This is not the lake where bad people are afflicting. It's just melting minerals, non living things are thete.

  Jehovah didn't create such place where bad people are drowing in it to have afflictions. This lake means the second death. 

    So this lake is  figurative place. This place doesn't exist really or actually.

   Second death means final death. When we face the first death, we can come to life ,or we can recreated by Jehovah . We can be resurrected by God.

 Jehovah can give us new body , either flesh body or immortal spirit body. 

  We can come to life again on the earth or to the heaven where Jehovah , Jesus Christ and their angels live.

  But the second death means we have no hope to live. Just we die and we cannot get consciousness again. We die forever. 

The second death means we die forever 

  But it doesn't mean everlasting pains of our body.  If we die and our body become corrupt, we cannot get any feelings . We cannot get any joy nor pains. (Ecclesiastes 9:5,6)

When we die ,we don't feel any joy or any sadness

 Just we don't exist. Our characters disapper.

 Our existance with distinct characters and diffrent memory disappear from this world. When we face the second death, we will no more exist. 

    Jehovah forgets our existence.

It's the most sorrow thing.

So we need to ask Jehovah to memorize us.

  This  means the second death. 

    Jehovah is god of love. So Jehovah didnt create such a place like hell that  gives us everlasting pains. We just disapper. 

  So we do  bad deeds again and again repeatedly , Jehovah doesn't let us alive. Because Jehovah is the final Judge. (Roman 14:10)God the creator has such authority and power.

Jehovah has autority to decide on who will live or who will disappear 


  So if we become soldiers and keep on murder unrepentantly , Jehovah doesn't allow us to live.

We go to figurative lake  or the lake meanIng the second death.

  So brave ukranian soldiers who fought to death didn't go to heaven .

   Instead , they are likely go to the figurative lake. Of course, final judge is Jehovah. We cannot decide on who will go to second death lake.

  Because murder , or fighting and killing others are grave sins for Christians.

  In ancient lsrael's days , Jehovah allowed mankind to kill other pagan people. But Jehovah stopped to allow us to kill others .

" We must obey God as ruler  rather than men."  (Acts 5:29) This was spoken by Peter and other apostles.

Because Jesus christ' s death for our sins are so precious gift. So Jehovah requires us higher moral standard.

  We have to leave revenge to Jehovah. Our humans must not kill others.So Christians must not murder.

  So I don't know ukranian brave soldiers went to the figurative lake or not. Jehovah may show mercy on ukranian soldiers who died because they took up sword.

  JehovaH may give them second chance to appear on the earth again as humans.But anyway we should not commit a sin unrepentedly. We must not murder other people.