Everybody has mistakes. | Twinkle Days*

Twinkle Days*


You're the only one that's inside your brain.

Feeling all of your anxieties.

And,the voices that are telling you that you can't be who you wanna be.

Or that you're not who you wanna be.

Or that you wanna be wore like that other person over there.

Let me tell you people are mean to each other.

But no voices.

Are as mean.

As our own voices are to ourselves.

Everyday when you look in the mirror,and your mind is tellhng you all of the things you're not if those things are.

You're not cool enough.

You're not popular enough.

You're not successful.

You're not special.

You're not wanted.

You're not unique.

Those are not,the things you are not.

Let me tell you the things you are not.

You are not some body else opinion of you.

That's what you're not.

You are not damaged goods,just because you have made mistake in your life.

Those are the things you're not.

Let me tell you the things that you are.

You are your own definition of 
beautiful and worthwhile and no one else's definition.

you are wiser and stroger because you made mistakes in your life.

Just keep going own my way....
never give up!
