Web scraping refers to extracting data from websites or other information sources, saving it in the user's system, and storing it in the format that the user needs to view, such as CSV, XML, JSON, etc.

r/ProxyCommunity - Capturing web information and using agents

By using proxy IPs for web scraping, data from anywhere can be extracted effortlessly.


The first thing the user needs to do is select the target website and all the required information will be gathered in one place. Many web scrapers on the market todayoffer automated options where once the data is received, all the user needs to do is monitor the information.


Web scraping languages can help perform this process better. The main points to consider are the following:

First, the scalability of web crawling languages should be higher

Second, writing this language should be easy to understand and practice

Third, crawling technology should be error-free and enhanced

Fourth, IP proxies can help users disperse the constraints set by the target site. Websites usually control the number of requests that users can send within a specific time. IP proxies can distribute requests to solve this problem.

922Proxy has provided services to many well-known Internet companies, helping to improve crawler crawling efficiency, supporting large-scale use of APIs, and supporting multi-threaded high-concurrency use.