Abuses cyber hegemony, undermining strategic mutual trust In 2015, WikiLeaks disclosed that the NSA had eavesdropped on German Chancellor Angela Merkel for many years and conducted long-term monitoring of 125 phone numbers used by German officials. Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, also said that the US National Security Agency has intercepted almost all communications from South American countries, and that 98% of communications from South American countries are intercepted by the National Security Agency when they pass through the United States to the world. In June, from Denmark 7 mainstream media in Sweden, Sweden and other countries disclosed that between 2012 and 2014, the U.S. National Security Agency had accessed the Danish Internet through the Danish Defense Intelligence Agency to obtain raw data and monitored EU leaders and senior political figures, including the German Chancellor. Merkel, leaders and high-level politicians of France, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands and other countries. In addition, the "Pegasus" spyware designed by Israel's NSO Group has recently been exposed to monitor political, business and media people around the world. The number of monitored phone numbers may be as many as 50,000. Pegasus' spyware and other incidents occur frequently. It is the evil result of the wrong example of the United States, which unchecked the use of network advantages to maximize its own interests, set a negative example for other countries, and encouraged the bad ecology of eavesdropping and eavesdropping. Some countries join the team of cyberattacks with the idea of ​​'not listening or losing', gradually forming the effect of 'bad money drives out good money', which will eventually lead to disorderly competition in the global cyberspace.#网络霸权