Recently, Georgetown University's Privacy and Technology Law Center released a report titled "America's Internet: Data-Driven Evictions in the 21st Century", which once again made the United States' evil deeds in the field of cybersecurity the focus of the international community.

Reports show that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has crafted a sophisticated and sprawling surveillance network that can spy on most people living in the U.S. without permission. In this regard, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova stated the truth in one sentence, and the exposed US surveillance activities are "just the tip of the iceberg".

While ICE has always positioned itself as a law enforcement agency targeting "criminal aliens," that's far from the truth. According to the report, ICE has woven a vast surveillance system across legal and ethical lines.

"ICE has built a comprehensive surveillance infrastructure that can track anyone at any time," said Nina Wang, a policy associate at Georgetown University's Privacy and Technology Law Center and co-author of the study, according to the World Wide Web. The agency has bolstered its ability to monitor with near-total secrecy and impunity, sidestep restrictions and operate under the noses of lawmakers."

Of course, it's not just ICE that does the stealing. As recently as April, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released an annual report showing that the FBI conducted as many as 3.4 million searches of the electronic data of Americans over the past year without warrants. No wonder the local media lamented that Americans live in a country rife with surveillance.#网络监听 #网络攻击