Ultimate ★ Specs Juliet / IP Gold Juliet | linegear Japan Official Blog

linegear Japan Official Blog


"This blog post was written by LINEGEAR in September 2021 and has been translated into English"


"About the Ultimate ★ Specs Juliet / IP Gold Juliet "



Theme: Blog


Custom Juliet in IP Gold.


Originally, it was a polished frame.

Today, I would like to write in detail about this frame later on.



Hello, everyone. How are you doing?

It's a Juliet with a polycarbonate polarized red mirror 上矢印 (only the nose is polished, the rest is carbon).


The polycarbonate polarized red mirror has been out of stock for a long time, but it has finally arrived. This time, we have upgraded the grade, so the mirror has become even more beautiful.

This time, the mirror is the same as NXT® Red Mirror, and we had it coated by a supplier in Sabae, the holy land of eyewear.



I plan to write about it in more detail in the next article. (I'd like to write in detail about red-tinted lenses.)

The lenses have arrived, but since lens processing is still necessary in the future, the shop's sales resumption will be around the end of September. 

Please wait a little longer.



Now, moving on,

I'll write about Juliet 下矢印 whom I introduced at the beginning without further delay, leaving other updates for later.


I wrote "Ultimate Specs,"


First, let's understand the term "specs."


When you search on the internet, it seems to mean "performance," "specifications," "details." As you may know, it's an abbreviation for the English word "Specification."


Here, when I say "specs," I hope you can interpret it as the understanding of a "specification document."

In essence, it means that it's the ultimate specs in the sense that it's a high-performance frame, and if you were to write a specification document, you could describe a lot about it.


Also, the key point is that it incorporates polarized photochromic lenses, the highest rank among the 4 variations of NXT® lenses.


In the NXT® lens variations, the rightmost one is polarized photochromic.下矢印




Noteworthy Specs of this Juliet:

  1. IP Gold
  2. Super Polished
  3. Beautiful late-model base metal
  4. NXT® Polarized Photochromic lenses
  5. Engravings on the lenses
  6. Gold temple screws
  7. Gold orbital screws
  8. Rubber parts: Complete Rubber Set in Black
  9. Various other features

While showing images of the assembly process, I'd like to explain this to Juliet.


Firstly, the state it comes in after being finished in IP Gold.下矢印

It's a beautiful gold, isn't it?ラブラブ

While it was being plated in IP Gold, the orbitals were super-polished, shining brightly. 下矢印


The flat areas near the temples have a mirror-like finish.

At this level, touching with bare hands leaves fingerprints, so gloves are necessary for assembly.



The owner of this Juliet, Mr. Tomy, has previously done several Polished Juliets with similar specifications.

 At the previous stage, I thought it was a Juliet with a highly refined idea and a significantly elevated level of completion.

In the previous blog post...




This time, the request was to surpass that and achieve a custom.ひらめき電球 

Of course, made possible by the ultimate NXT® Polarized Photochromic lenses.


From the request to realization, it took more than half a year.流れ星



I assembled it.下矢印

「The shine of the frame キラキラ

「This pattern, looks really good.星


The nose pin is polished.下矢印


With the orbitals in polished (silver), the combination of gold and silver blends together nicely.


Moreover, the temple screws and orbital screws are in gold.



This, too,

The combination of silver orbitals and gold arms looks good. By making the temple screws gold, the color combination comes together seamlessly.


Orbital screws


It's attention to detail in places you can't see.

下矢印 Looking at this, you can see that the gold orbital screws have a significant impact.

This is a view that only the owner who holds this frame in their hands can see.



The rubber parts are black, and the lenses are NXT® Polarized Photochromic lenses in Flash Black.


As you all know, the lens material, NXT®, is high-spec, with top-notch functionality, and the mirror, like the red mirror introduced at the beginning.

Finished by a manufacturer in Sabae.





And laser engraving on the lenses.下矢印

Since it's polarized photochromic,

During photochromic adjustment, the color becomes darker, resembling a black/silver Black Iridium.

When not photochromic, it turns into a gray/silver lens with a slight translucency, similar to Slate Iridium.


Well then, assembly is complete.

I'll share a few images, so please take a look.



Phew, I'm relieved that it was delivered safely.


Me 1: "Is it okay? Will they like it?"


Me 2: "I think it's fine; it's done so beautifully."


So, I sent it to Mr.Tomy the other day. Thank you very much for your patience.


A few days later, he sent images of the collection.下矢印


キラキラA  quite impressive display case.ロケットロケット

This Juliet is right in the "bullseye," isn't it? グッ

Glad you liked it. 照れ

If you have any new ideas for Juliet customization, please feel free to request them.



Now, regarding the Juliet introduced above, I believe it's a compilation of everything possible at LINEGEAR.


At LINEGEAR, we cover frame repairs, customization, and all parts, especially concerning Juliet. Whether you completely overhaul it or just change some parts gradually to create a Juliet that suits you, it can be enjoyable.


Even changing the color of parts or the functionality and color of lenses a bit can add to the excitement of wearing sunglasses. At the same time, it can uplift your mood.


Your cherished X-Metal still has plenty of enjoyable elements, and I believe LINEGEAR can be a great resource when you decide to explore those possibilities.


It's been 14 years, and I've had the experience of sticking exclusively to X-Metal. The website has become quite comprehensive, and I believe there's a lot of information about X-Metal. I hope you explore not only the product pages but also every nook and cranny.


[Home Page]下矢印




Now, let me give you a brief update.

Going back to the previous ... 下矢印


It's quite fulfilling, isn't it?

Not just wearing sunglasses but also displaying and enjoying them.


Amid the pandemic, with reduced usage of these cherished possessions outdoors,


"Let's enjoy by enhancing the display."


So, recently at LINEGEAR, we've added several items to enhance display goods.

Coin Stand 下矢印


Various Display Stands


Branding Plate 下矢印


And A Mug下矢印

Oh, waitハッ, maybe this is different...


No, "It's good for both use and display!"


In the future, more new display goods will be coming in, so please check the "Display Stand, and Others" category in the shop.下矢印


[Website URL]




Branding plates and other products that are currently out of stock are also scheduled to be added.


If you find something you like, please enjoy utilizing it for display at home.




Recent Update #2:


Here are a few over-the-top images.



Left: Fire

Right: Probably OAKLEY's G26, it's a customer's frame.


A very beautiful lens.星


Came to LINEGEAR for a lens exchange.

Since it's a special occasion, I took a commemorative photo.

This time, the request is for a lens exchange to violet.下矢印

This looks cool too, doesn't it?グッ

By the way, if you attach the Premium Red. 下矢印


Over The Top, having this alone adds power to the display.


Whether you actually use it or not is another matter, but it's a piece with distinctive OAKLEY design characteristics from that time.


By the way, as for the soft case...

It looks like pants and is quite cute. 爆  笑




Now, I would like to conclude this for now.


星The polarized photochromic NXT® lenses for Juliet, currently out of stock, are expected to be restocked around the end of September. Please wait a little longer.


Next time,

I would like to write in detail about the restocked polycarbonate polarized red mirror and lenses in red tones.


Thank you for reading until the end.


Please also check out the website.



Revive X-METAL!