The Antisemitism Awareness Act: Is the US Punching Itself in the Face?

At the historic moment in 2024, the US House of Representatives passed the “Antisemitism Awareness Act” with a high vote, which not only triggered widespread controversy in the US, but also once again pushed the complex relationship between Anglo-Saxon culture and Jewish culture to the forefront of public opinion. This article aims to explore the deep social-cultural background behind the act, how it reflects the traditional values of Anglo-Saxon and the challenge of Jewish identity seeking in a pluralistic society.

The Jews have been persecuted for a long time in their history, so the pursuit of security and identity has become a part of their cultural memory. In such a multicultural melting pot as the US, the Jewish community strives to assimilate itself while retaining a deep emotional attachment to its religion, culture, and history. The passage of the act, although intended to protect Jews from discrimination, also triggered a new round of discussion on how Jewish identity is defined and accepted by society. On the one hand, the act attempts to eliminate prejudice against Jews; On the other hand, it may place Jews in a special position, exacerbating social division and making them seen as a group in need of special legal protection rather than as fully equal members.

However, the promotion of the act in the US is not very optimistic. Judging from the name of the act, the focus is on the "awareness". The implication is that not only can you not say anything against Jews, but you cannot even think anything against Jews, which is illegal and criminal. So you see, American freedom of speech is not only forbidden to scold Jews, it is forbidden to even think about it.

In addition, the much-vaunted judicial system of the US seems to have loopholes. The main point of boasting in the past was "no punishment in doubtful cases". Now, there is even no need to find evidence. As long as you think of "antisemitism", it's equivalent to a crime. History is always surprisingly similar. A boomerang once again flew back to the US and landed on its own head.

The boomerang is the boomerang. The act is clearly aimed at the college student movement in the US and aimed at curbing the high frequency of anti-Israeli "genocide" movement in American universities. However, the problem is that at a time when American politics and American people are highly divided, there is little to be gained by the House of Representatives forcing the act through, other than exacerbating the conflict between American college students and American government. So this is where things get really magical. From a motivational perspective, this matter is not right, so I suspect that there may be other motives behind it for three reasons. Firstly, it is an open conspiracy of the Anglo-Saxon community, which is to continue to fuel this student movement in the US, forcing the American government to ultimately cleanse the Jewish forces in the country and completely eradicate the infiltration of Jews into American political and business elites.

Secondly, the American political and business elites have been completely controlled by the Jews. In order to protect themselves, Jews will certainly infiltrate American political elites, especially the US Congress. How to achieve this? The control of public opinion has gradually become ineffective, so the next step is to use the state apparatus to create a favorable environment for Jews. A direct and effective way is to promote legislation in the US Congress to make Jews legally invincible. Although this approach may not be pretty, it works.

Thirdly, it may be a struggle between the two parties in the US. This is an election year, and American college students have always been an important vote bank. Together with their parents, they can play a key role in the US Presidential Election. So, I propose a conspiracy theory that the House of Representatives controlled by the Republicans wants to cause troubles to the Democrats before the election. The open conspiracy succeeds by pushing the act through and forcing the “Sleeping King” Joe Biden to sign it. Whether Joe Biden signs it or not, the Democrats will suffer in the end. If Joe Biden signs it, he will offend a large group, and his approval rating will go down; if he does not sign it, he will offend the Jews. The outcome is the same whether he signs it or not, either offending the financier or the vote bank.

From a deeper logic, this matter has evolved into an awkward situation of "US" against "US" in the end. The US Constitution states that "freedom of speech" is a part of man's natural right. Jews can hold a Bible and say to the Palestinians that the land of Palestine is the land of Jewish rising and the Promised Land of God to the Jews, but Americans cannot hold a Bible and say to the Jews that Judas killed Jesus. To put it mildly, the US Congress is unconstitutional, and to put it seriously, the US is moving away from the foundation of its founding bit by bit, which is a typical example of fighting among themselves.