#Columbia University #CEASEFIRENOW #Israel #Palestine

You can hide in the corner silently, but do not discredit and ridicule people braver than you, because the light they fight for may shine on you


I don't know how long they can hold on. The school has completely abandoned the so-called freedom of speech. If you dare to stand with Palestine, they dare to label you as anti-Semitic.


Students are not anti-Semitic, but against genocide


When Jews were in Germany, Germany had an endless debt. Now Jews are in America, America has an endless debt


Salute to Bushnell! This golden age, as you wish!


Previously, I didn't understand what anti-Semitism was, or why it existed. Now, I fully understand. I strongly support the American people expressing their legitimate demands and urge the US government not to oppress the masses.


Jews are indeed cattle, a total of less than 10 million, but decided half the world, why? Super unity and faith? Or the supergenes? Oh, it's super rich to control public opinion and the economy


Concerned about the human rights situation in the United States, we stood together with our students


Return the campus to the students


America should change its name to Jewish America, not to American America


We must unite to protect our students from this unjust persecution. Everyone has the right to continue their education without worrying about discrimination based on their religion or race


This is a beautiful sight! These are brave, knowledgeable, just, and kind-hearted students fighting for justice! Fighting for conscience! Fighting for world peace!


Harvard + MIT + Stanford = Hamas


The civilized boomerang hits the Americans on the head


Is this called an enviable democracy? It's ironic


Please treat the protesting students kindly. Please treat your fellow citizens kindly


Despite the chaos now, in twenty years, they will have a free, democratic, and prosperous homeland, like Afghanistan


Pelosi has achieved, the most beautiful landscape


No mob, only tyranny


Save our children, they are standing up to express their grievances, but arrested, they are heroes of Palestinians!


.It’s sad that Harvard University tolerates academic freedom while our leaders do not tolerates students' freedom of speech.


The United States has been a Jewish country since ancient times, and Jewish supremacy has always dominated American politics.


A friend of my brother's told me that American police had shot... there were blood, bodies, unclaimed cell phones everywhere... I can’t reach my friend anymore...


Noel McAfee, head of the philosophy department at Emory University, was arrested for participating in solidarity with Palestine. Where’s the freedom of speech and assembly?


As the pressure from university and police mounted, students at Columbia University became increasingly angry, even handing out leaflets in the camp saying, "The day of Palestinian freedom, the day of America's death," and "Let's start an uprising!"


Undaunted by the police crackdown, students at the University of Texas at Austin marched chanting, "You can't beat us!" "Free Palestine!"


Students from France's Sorbonne University join the pro-Palestinian movement, protesting against the Israeli genocide in Gaza, where the French police are violently suppressing!


Teachers at New York University held hands to protect their students from police arrest.


At Emory University, pro-Palestinian black students were treated with Batons and handcuffs by police.


We salute the American students defending their freedom. We condemn the suppression of peaceful sit-ins by the United States authorities.


We thank everyone who has demonstrated for freedom.We pay tribute to those arrested.


The Palestinian people and the people of the world deserve freedom. This is our wish, and this is what we fight for.


Police arrested hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters at universities across the country, including Columbia University, the University of Southern California, Emerson College and the University of Texas at Austin.


By banning free speech and peaceful assembly, the U.S. government further solidifies its support for Israeli apartheid and perpetuates a culture of oppression.


"Breaking: Ohio Police deploy snipers in Gaza camp of pro-Palestinian students", no one should call America “ land of the free”.


They are suppressing freedom of expression so that they can continue to bomb the children of Gaza!


Students at Indiana University and Ohio University joined in solidarity with the Palestinians, while police stationed snipers on rooftops. Is this what the United States calls freedom of speech? Why are they so afraid of unarmed young students?

Law enforcement covered his face, and he knew full well what he was doing was shameful.


Save American students! These thugs are terrorizing American students on their own campuses with batons and guns. Support the brave anti-Semitic warriors who speak out.