Here’s an overview of the administrative procedures required to start a used car business in Japan:


  1. Application for Used Goods Dealer License (古物商許可申請):

    • When starting a used car sales business, you need to apply for a Used Goods Dealer License (古物商許可) and obtain the corresponding license. This permit is necessary for buying, selling, exchanging, or consigning used automobiles.
  2. Registration under the Automobile Recycling Law (自動車リサイクル法引取業登録):

    • If you plan to collect and dispose of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), you must register as an Automobile Recycling Business Operator (自動車引取業). This registration allows you to legally handle ELVs.
  3. Registration with the Automobile Recycling System (自動車リサイクルシステムへの登録):

    • If your used car dealership intends to collect ELVs, you’ll also need to register with the Automobile Recycling System.
  4. Membership in Auto Auctions (オートオークション会員登録):

    • To participate in auto auctions for purchasing used cars, you’ll need to become a member of auto auction platforms.
  5. Registration as an Insurance Agent (保険代理店への登録):

    • If you handle compulsory automobile liability insurance (自賠責保険) for used car sales, consider registering as an insurance agent.

Remember that these are general guidelines, and I recommend consulting legal experts or administrative professionals for detailed assistance. 


 If you would like to apply for a secondhand goods dealer license specifically for Kyoto, please contact the Wada office.




Gyoseishoshi Wada Office in Kyoto city

Administrative procedures legal specialist

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