How to Obtain a Business Permit as a Legal Entity (法人)-The necessary documents for applying for a secondhand dealer license (古物商許可) in Japan



How to Obtain a Business Permit as a Legal Entity (法人)

Business Permit Requirements

When applying for a business permit, certain documents are necessary. These requirements apply specifically to legal entities (法人):


  1. Articles of Incorporation (定款)

    • Legal entities must draft and submit their articles of incorporation. These documents outline the company’s purpose, structure, and governing rules.
  2. Certificate of Registration (登記事項証明書)

    • A certificate confirming the legal entity’s registration with the appropriate authorities.
  3. Resumes (略歴書)

    • Resumes of all officers and the manager of the business office.
  4. Proof of Domicile (本籍)

    • For foreign nationals, a copy of the resident certificate (住民票) indicating their nationality.
  5. Affidavits (誓約書)

    • Affidavits from all officers and the office manager.
  6. Identification Documents (身分証明書)

    • Identification documents for all officers and the office manager.
  7. Authorization for URL Use (URLの使用権限)

    • Relevant documentation demonstrating the legal entity’s right to use specific URLs (applicable to certain business types).


Remember that these documents are crucial for your application. Make sure to follow the guidelines provided by the local police department or public safety commission. 


Additionally, consider seeking professional assistance from a legal expert or administrative scrivener to ensure a smooth application process. Good luck with your secondhand dealer license application! 🌟



Gyoseishoshi Wada Office in Kyoto city

Administrative procedures legal specialist

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