The necessary documents for applying for a secondhand dealer license (古物商許可) in Japan - personal business case



Let’s break down the necessary documents for applying for a secondhand dealer license (古物商許可) in Japan. 

There are cases for corporations and individuals, and this time we will focus on personal businesses.

  1. Application Form (古物営業法施行規則別記様式第1号):

    • This form is essential for your application. It includes details about your business, personal information, and the intended location of your primary business establishment.
    • You’ll need to fill out this form accurately and completely.
  2. Attachment Documents for Individual Applicants:

    • Curriculum Vitae (略歴書):
      • Prepare a CV that includes relevant information about yourself and the manager of the business establishment.
      • This document helps the authorities understand your background and qualifications.
    • Resident Certificate (住民票の写し):
      • Obtain a copy of your resident certificate (住民票) that shows your registered address.
      • If you’re a foreign national, provide a similar document that indicates your nationality or country of origin.
    • Affidavit (誓約書):
      • Create an affidavit that both you and the business establishment manager sign.
      • The affidavit should declare your commitment to comply with all legal requirements related to secondhand dealing.
    • Identification (身分証明書):
      • Include a valid identification document for both yourself and the business establishment manager.
      • Acceptable forms of identification include passports, driver’s licenses, or other government-issued IDs.
  3. Proof of URL Ownership (URLの使用権限があることを疎明する資料):

    • If your business involves online operations (such as e-commerce platforms), provide evidence that you have the right to use the relevant URLs.
    • This document is necessary only if your business model includes online sales.

Remember that these documents are crucial for your application. Make sure to follow the guidelines provided by the local police department or public safety commission. Additionally, consider seeking professional assistance from a legal expert or administrative scrivener to ensure a smooth application process. Good luck with your secondhand dealer license application! 🌟



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