What kind of people are appointed as members of the Kyoto Prefectural Public Safety Commission, and what is their term of office?



You can check it on the website of 京都府公安委員会(Kyoto Prefectual Public Safety Commission)

As I wrote in my previous blog post, public safety commissions are established in each prefecture based on the Police Law with the purpose of ensuring democratic control of the police and political neutrality.


What kind of people are the members of the Kyoto Prefectural Public Safety Commission? 

The Kyoto Prefectural Public Safety Commission has a total of five members: three appointed by the Kyoto Prefectural Governor with the consent of the prefectural assembly, and two appointed by the prefectural governor after being recommended by the Kyoto City Mayor with the consent of the city council. It has been constructed.

Their term of office is three years, and they can be re-elected only twice.

In addition, the chairperson, who oversees public affairs, is elected among the committee members and can be reappointed for a one-year term.



What kind of authority does the Kyoto Prefectural Public Safety Commission have?

The Kyoto Prefectural Public Safety Commission has the authority to manage the Kyoto Prefectural Police, and based on the Police Act, establishes Kyoto Prefectural Public Safety Commission rules by special delegation in laws and ordinances, and supervises the National Police Agency or other prefectures. In addition to making decisions such as requests for assistance from the police, based on laws other than the Police Act,



-Ruling regarding payment of crime victim benefits

-Permission, cancellation, etc. for second-hand goods business and pawnshop business

-Certification, cancellation, etc. of security companies

-Permission, cancellation, etc. for entertainment business

-Permission to possess firearms and swords, revocation, etc.

-Designation of organized crime groups, orders to take measures against violent demands, etc.

-Installation of traffic lights, traffic regulations, and driver's licenses for automobiles, etc.

-We handle administrative matters


What kind of activities does the Kyoto Prefectural Public Safety Commission carry out?

In addition to holding regular meetings, we inspect the activities of the Kyoto Prefectural Police to confirm details, attend collaborative meetings with the National Public Safety Commission and other prefectural public safety commissions, and strive for close mutual cooperation. We are conducting various activities to fulfill this mission.




The five members of the Kyoto Public Safety Commission are as follows:

Company executive

Former Kyoto City Superintendent of Education

A flower arranger representing Japan




You can check the menber

A person who intends to operate a secondhand goods dealer or secondhand goods market must obtain permission from the Public Safety Commission via the police station that has jurisdiction over the place where he/she intends to establish his/her main business office or secondhand goods market (hereinafter referred to as "principal business office, etc."). You need to apply.



For more details on the Second-hand dealer  Permit, please inquire at the police station where you intend to submit the application, or consult an administrative procedures legal specialist (gyōseishoshi / 行政書士) .



Gyoseishoshi Wada Office in Kyoto city

Administrative procedures legal specialist

Please contact