How’s it going?? | ノート一冊でココロの本音がクリアに見えて どんな時でも自分からも彼からも ホッとしながら愛されるようになるあなたへ導く

ノート一冊でココロの本音がクリアに見えて どんな時でも自分からも彼からも ホッとしながら愛されるようになるあなたへ導く


If I ask you  


'HOW'S IT GOING??' ニコニコ
How do you answer for my question?

Day before yesterday two of my friends asked me that question.
(Thanks! I was glad that you cared to ask! )

Then,my answer was...

'I AM HAPPY!!!!'

With my feelings of exitement ;)

Of course,sometimes I am upset...,
still remain some emptiness..maybe??

BUT even then My days are happy !!!!!

I didn't think I could say 'Happy' and smile like that up until 1year ago.

Because I thought
I CAN'T be happy from part of my heart.

As usual I could feel happy but I felt kind of emptiness before.


Now I can say 'HAPPY' 


I just forcus my every single happiness and feel it deeeeeeeply,that's all.
then I could find my happiness and feel so happy.ラブドキドキドキドキドキドキ

'Happy' is not enough word to describe my feelings!!
Precious?! Faburous?! Pleased?!
Hmmm......Probably no word is enough to describe my feelings.

This smile shows you how happy I am!!



This pic was taken early in the morning,on my way to work:)

It made me realize seemed so happy with warmhearted feelings.



If every person can find the way of happiness by themselves then 

we can make happiness each other.

And more happy feelings will be increase in the world. 


Special thanks: Jonny, my dear friend!
Thank you for your advice!