先生の自己紹介 | Liberteaching! リバティーチング

Liberteaching! リバティーチング

This is the blog of Liberteaching, LLC

Hello, we are Vanessa and Matteo from Liberteaching, LCC.


Liberteaching, LCC offers Languages training lessons for companies in Kobe. We offer English and Italian lessons.


That's our first time writing on this blog, so we would like to introduce briefly ourselvesニコニコ.

We are two young Italian guys, who currently live in Japan and we both teach English and Italian.


This was our first New Year spent in Japan. We heard a lot about Japanese New Year, so we were excited to celebrate it in the Japanese style (which differs from the European way to celebrate itびっくり).


What impressed us the most was going to the shrine with our CEO Mikiko, and praying for the company all together. In Europe there isn't such a custom, so at the beginning it was surprising and hard to comprehend the purpose.

However, after experienced it we did understand the value and we actually really enjoyed it.



At the end we even took a photo with the priest!!

Look at our happy and smiling facesウシシウシシ



How is your #TOEIC study going? Even if sometimes could be hard let's keep on practicing チョキチョキ

Soon we will upload tips for succesfull Toeic preparation !! Stay tuned 目








そのため、Mikikoに神社に誘われたときびっくりしましたが、本当に楽しかったですよ爆  笑爆  笑