First of all, it is assumed that Russian soldiers will return home for the summer vacation, and the major offensive will be at the end of September and October.


 In the past few months, especially since the invasion of Kursk, the advance of Russian soldiers in Ukrainian territory has become clear. 


Since the month following the fall of Abdeka in Ukrainian territory, the advance has been in Russia's favor every week. 


Since the fall of Ocherech village, and since August, the speed of Russian advance has been unprecedented.  


  Uk lawmakers are complaining about why they are abandoning their base areas instead of fighting to the death. 


The battle of attrition continues in the fierce battlefields of Sibelkhsk, north of Chamifar, and Boltensk near Kharkiv, but the front lines are beginning to collapse rapidly in Southern Donbas, Trek, and Pokrovsk.  


  This collapse is not so much the front line, but the collapse of Central Donbas, and even the heavily fortified Trek is progressing.


 The Russian military's operation in the Kharkiv region in May was aimed at changing the Ukrainian military's focus on Donbas. 


This weakened Donbas and became a success story for the Russian side. --The CIA and politicians' plan, which lacked military operationality, was the Kursk invasion of Russia, which was a complete failure. 


In fact, there was no change from the Donbas front line, and the new Russian army took charge. It was a reasonable troop movement rather than a rushed one. 


This is because the region is made up of Russian forests and small villages, and there are few military strongholds.


 The aim was for the Ukrainian foreign minister to do this during fake peace negotiations in China, and the Ukrainian meeting with India and Modi lasted only a few hours, and an angry Modi immediately left Kiev.


 Both India and China have external problems, so up until now they have been on the side of restraint when it comes to Russia, but now both India and China are furious and have begun to sympathize with Putin, who is strongly suppressing the aggressive forces within Russia, and the BRICS themselves have changed their stance to take the side of the hard-line Britain, America, and the West, which is a major recent change. 



In other words, it can be seen that the US and Britain have not yet given up on their plans to collapse Russia, remove Putin, and assassinate him, and have no consideration at all for the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, due to their false negotiations and the unthinkable arrogance that originated from the USSR, which does not consider the other party to be a human country. 


This was the end of Japan, with the devilish Americans and British, and domestically, under the instructions of the British and American **, the media shouted, "Even if Japanese people die, British and American soldiers should kill for the Emperor," and as planned, the British and American massacred Japanese with 20+α atomic bombs, and the annihilation of Japanese people was also part of the operation, and some Japanese military leaders, politicians, and media spies were simply Yoshida, and Japanese idiots, the Imperial Rule Assistance Group, and others, and it was planned, and only two atomic bombs were dropped. 



Of course, the general public in the UK and the US are not completely unaware of it, but are on the same level as the Japanese, and both are tools that make them kill each other. 



  Lightning, natural disasters, famine, disease, fire, and massacres are considered to be our right to execute, as we are fundamentalists in Christianity, this is the sentence. 


  But the criteria for this judgment are not at all externally correct, but are the parts that were searched for in the dream text.   Opium? 



Furthermore, the finishing touches were the abnormal religious effects created on both sides, the collapse of drug production and the urine industry, and the subsequent intentional creation of a situation in which the soldiers and civilians responsible fell into poverty, which makes the Anglo-American** orientation seem even more abnormal. 



This seemed to be a detailed instruction to Japan's traitorous political and military journalists to carry out the seven-stage apocalypse, with a plan of action.



 The vanguard was the Soviet Union. 1913 FRB, Doen Group established, already around 1900, the attempt by the Sifu George Kennan Line, the Terror Corps in the Russian Empire failed, 1917 AIC-NY was established in earnest, 1917, the so-called Russian Revolution, the Mensch, Borsch faction was established, Lenin and others entered by order of the boss Swiss superiors, the violent coercive army that bullied in the US* took control by killing Russians, destroyed agriculture, the British and American Supreme Commander-in-Chief personnel personnel always controlled, the evil flowers of fundamentalists continued to bloom for the goal that must be achieved like the apocalypse with a US-Russia nuclear war.



 In 2014/2015, the fortification of Pokrovsk, the dangerous pay hub, was impossible, as the surrounding roads and railways are currently controlled by the Russian military, so even if Pokrovsk alone was fortified, the inflow of supplies would be limited, and the outflow would also be difficult. 


This means that supplies would not be able to reach the most important base from the beginning. Even now, the situation is such that the Russian military is allowed to invade, and the difficulties are only increasing. 



So, the idea of ​​dealing with the situation in a short-sighted way comes to mind.


 If possible, use rockets to massacre the Kremlin's Putin in one go, and the logic is that this will all eliminate Putin, overthrow the Russian government, and work well, just like the experience of overthrowing a small country. 



It is an unimaginable short-sightedness and a lack of military planning.



 As a Japanese, I feel that Japan has fallen for this, killed 23 million of its own people in the war, and is effectively allowing their subordinates, the US and UK, to still control Japan, so I'm in a bad position to call them stupid Ukrainians. 


On the Ukrainian front, the Russian army has only occupied the bases of Soledar, with about 20,000 troops, and Novodivka, with about 17,000 troops, for a few days. 



It seems that the situation in Mirnograd and Pokrovsk, with about 50,000 troops, will probably be decided in a few weeks. 


Bakhmut fell between February 18, 2023 and May 2023. Pokrovsk is smaller than Bakhkut, does not have a defense system, and there is no precedent for a long-term Russian military operation, so it is doubtful that the war will continue until at least the US election in November, as the UK and the US think it will.


 At first, they said they would win, if that didn't work, they would kill Russia, if that didn't work, they would isolate Russia from the BRICS, if that didn't work, they would assassinate Russia, if that didn't work, they would stage a fake victory before the election, this was the current Ukrainian war, if that didn't work, they would create a fake atmosphere of ceasefire talks, if that didn't work, it was the Ukrainians' fault, so they had to win, they would use guerrilla warfare, they would fight until the last soldier, this is the consensus of Hillary-Obama type.



 Naturally, Ukrainian military politicians will secure the funds they need to flee abroad and profit from it. 


The special financial islands are where Western funds are concealed and saved up, etc. It is always the ignorant citizens who are left looking like fools.