legal provisions,the current problem of **tin | alexのブログ



This essentially non-existent law against Japan and Germany, completely changing its origin and concept, was created intentionally in the name of the US-UK democracy, GHQ**, and the core part of the intentional war was applied on the basis that it could be determined in advance. 


I will not state, and cannot state, who made the judgment criteria. 


This is the dispatch of US troops to the Middle East as a solution to terrorism, paying money to the West, destroying the lives of US soldiers, and taking their value, and ending it in a way that never seems to resolve the issue. 


The US continued to intervene militarily in one conflict after another, even though there was no good outcome, which is surprisingly rational if the ultimate goal is not to resolve the conflict, but to make the two sides hostile each other for a long time.


 When dealing with the legal treatment of Japanese military personnel, the US-UK ** industrial-military body was forced to create the normalization of money robbery, which should have been the case in the first place. 


The terrorist Satsuma-Choshu army, a non-Japanese people from the Meiji era, was used, and this core force invaded Manchuria and fought a direct war against the US in Asia and the Pacific. 


They were the execution force of the British and American command section. Not only was it completely unnecessary and unnecessary to deal with the destruction of these essentially purely Japanese people, because they were a threat according to their regulations, but they predicted mass deaths of Japanese people and demanded management of the crematorium. 


It was completely unnecessary and excessive meddling, and their aim was to enforce legal texts to the point that they were filled with legal grounds and their religious, rather than ideological, arrogance. 


Rather than forcing others to obey the opinions of others, which is unnecessary and seems to sound ideological, it did not create any collective difference or distinction at all. 


In the handling of war crimes, the US government and the Democratic Party have already been absolutely and unilaterally able to implement rules that go beyond US law to the extent that it is said that other countries have been excluded. 


This is because the reason for the Pacific War, which was imposed on the US Democratic Party, is thought to be the person who intentionally started the Pacific War between Japan and the US. 


Why did the Japanese and American citizens have to go to war head-on, carrying weapons of murder, between two countries that have not even quarreled?  


  It is unthinkable insanity and ideological bias. It can't be helped that it seems like a decision that should be made more naturally, with a deep irrational implication. 


Ideology is a kind of trial and error process, and there are characteristics that make it clear to the public that the results are insufficient.


  If this is not the case, then by other considerations, the only field that is extremely sticky is religion. 

It is clear that the current Japanese government and Ushu are the ones who are leading the way with money and disease, under the orders of the British and Americans**, who are killing their comrades and killing their neighbors, and are the ones who are leading the way with money and disease. 


This is the second Boshin War, and the Satsuma-Choshu alliance, the Meiji government, and the LDP government group, who were lent money by the British and Americans**, killed and raped the remaining Japanese, Aizu, etc., one after another, with the latest weapons, left the bodies of the victims abandoned and completely refused to be buried.


 In China, they followed the example of the British and Americans, destroyed people's personalities with opium, and Japan's five major pharmaceutical companies helped them, making 90% of the world's opium castings, and in one step, the government, military, and** of that time watched the madness of 731 on film, and their families watched it too.


 731 was a heroic unit among the upper echelons of Japan at the time. It's all been taken over by the US military and spies, and now even the way it's being used is being used by people. 


They still control the restrictions and will be involved for generations to come, and the 731 Ito Shiro line is also a leading figure in the medical community's surgery, and they are truly fearsome, too brazen, and beyond comprehension, but they seem to be the main driving force. 


Even in this world, there is no history where everyone understands. Unfortunately, it seems that only those people who have noticed and begun to understand are at the base of history, which is change. 


There are many indifferent people, and that is history too. For this reason, democracy itself is said to be not a good backbone. It's not my problem, is it? What does it have to do with me? 


That can't be helped, it's the way of the world. There is no way around it other than to do our best and not go against the flow.