
Hi, Here's the Skype interview report that I did with Aksel and Mr.Rykkvin on 13th August, 2016. I hope you enjoy this.

Aksel's debut album has finally arrived from HMV! It must be sold earlier than other countries in Japan because it was supposed to be released 2nd September...The CD jacket says "The Miracle of Norway/The super-talented boy soprano, Aksel's Debut Album" Can't wait to listen to this after work!


①名前はどうやって読むの?名前の意味は?How do you pronunce your name in English? And the meaning?

My name is Aksel Rykkvin. Rykkvin means 'glossy hill' in English. Aksel means 'Father of Peace.'

②なんで歌を始めたの?誰がアクセルの才能に最初に気づいたの?Why did you start singing? Who realised your singing talent first?

僕は昔から歌が好きで、5歳の時にOslo Cathedral Boys' Choirのオーディションを受けて合格したんだ。本当は5歳だと幼すぎて入団できないんだけど、やる気があったから特別に入団出来たんだ。歌の才能は両親が最初に気づいてくれた。あと、歌の先生も気づいてくれたんだ。I've loved singing since I was small. I auditioned Oslo Cathedral Boys' Choir and successfully passed when I was 5. It is usually too young to start singing there but I was allowed to be the member thanks to my motivation towards singing. My parents were the first who realised my talent,and also my music teacher.

③1日のスケジュールは?Time shedule of a regular day

7:00 起床、歯磨き等 Wake Up, Brush my teeth...etc
父リカルドさんが通勤ついでにアクセル君を音楽学校へ送る My dad drives me to school on the way he goes to work
8:25 学校スタート School starts
8:25-9:55 ピアノレッスン Piano Lesson
その後は、ノルウェー語、算数、社会科学、自然科学、英語、スポーツなど After that, Norwegian, Math, Social Science, Natural Science, English, Sports...etc
10:25-11:25 歌のレッスン Singing Lesson
ランチ、サッカー、その後学校終了まで他の科目 Lunch, Playing football,and other subjects till school finishes
14:00 学校終了 End of school
地下鉄で家へ take subway home
家族で夕食 dinner with family
~19:00 Children's Chorusのリハーサル rehearsal of children's chorus
車で帰宅。夜食食べたり、宿題をする。Go home, eat something if I'm hungry, and do homework
21:00 就寝 go to bed

ただ、コンサートなどがあると寝るのが遅くなるんだ。The time when I go to bed becomes a bit late if I have concerts or something.

④趣味は?What's your hobby?

サッカーだよ。Football. I'm a member of a football team. チームにも入っているよ。

⑤ボーイソプラノはノルウェーで有名?ボーイソプラノを支援するシステム(奨学金など)はあるの?Are boy sopranos popular in Norway? Any systems to support them such as schorships?

イギリスみたいに多くの少年合唱団はないけど、いくつか有名な合唱団があるよ。一番有名なのはSolvgutteneだね。(意味は銀色の少年たち。)2番目に有名なのは、Nidaros Cathedral Boys' Choirで、3番目が僕が所属するOslo Cathedral Boys' Choirなんだ。
ボーイソプラノをサポートするシステムはないけど、僕が行っている音楽学校はタダだよ。僕の学校では、歌だけでなく、いろいろな分野の音楽的に才能のある子供たちが通うんだ。学校ではピアノもやるけど、僕は歌に特に集中しているんだ。There are not so many boy choirs like Britain, but there are some in Norway as well. The most famous one is Solvguttene which means the silver boys in English.The second one is Nidaros Cathedral Boys' Choir and the third is my choir, Oslo Cathedral Boys' Choir. There are no systems to support boy sopranos but the tuition of my music school is free. Many talented kids of various music fields go to my school. Although I play the piano at school as well, but I mainly focus on singing now.  

⑥ボーイソプラノであるせいで、友達に何か言われたことはある?Have you ever been told something nasty things by your friends just because you're a boy soprano?

ないよ。ただ、僕が前にいた学校では多くの友達がPop musicしか聴かなかったから、ちょっと気まずかったんだ。だけど今の学校は、クラシック音楽が好きなど、同じ興味を持つ友達がいて嬉しいんだ。僕も時々popを聞くけどね(笑)No I haven't. But I felt some kind of pressure because my classmates loved to listen to pop music in the school I was in before. But now I'm happy because my friends around me like to listen to classical music, same as me! I sometimes listen to pop though. lol

⑦一番好きな歌と作曲家は?What's your favourite music and composer?

イタリアのLascia ch'io piangaだね。CDにも録音してあるよ。
CDでもバッハの曲をたくさん歌っているよ。The Italian one, Lascia ch'io pianga. The song is also included in my CD! Italian language was difficult but I practiced a lot before recording. My favourite composer is Bach. His music is really difficult and needs a lot of practicing. I have no time to breathe while I sing some of his songs. lol You can listen to a lot of his songs in my CD.  

⑧歌う時に一番難しいのは何?What is the most difficult when you sing?

歌うのをやめるのが難しいね(笑)To stop singing. lol
正しい音を保つこと。And to keep right notes.

⑨歌う時に一番幸せなことは?What is the happiest thing when you sing?

コンサートで聴く人を幸せにすることかな。To make the audience happy at concerts

⑩インタビューがテレビで放送されて、どんな思いがした?How did you feel when you were on TV for interviews?


ちなみにYouTubeにアップされているインタビューの英訳は父さんがしてくれたんだ。It went pretty well and I could answer all the questions naturally. By the way, my dad kindly put the english subtitles on some videos you can find on Youtube.

⑪なぜアレッド・ジョーンズが好きなの?Why do you like Aled Jones?

将来、彼に会ってみたいな。His songs inspire me very much. I learned some songs from his recordings. I hope I could see him in the future.

⑫オペラに出たことはある?Have you ever taken a role of opera?

あるよ。子供オペラにも出たことあるし、大人に混じって出たこともある。例えばシンデレラとか白雪姫とかね。Yes I have. I've sung in both children's opera and adults' opera. Cinderella and Snow White for example.

⑬将来またアルバムをリリースする予定は?Are you foing to release another album in the future?

もし機会があれば声変わりの前にもう1枚録音したいね。I hope so if I have chance before my voice breaks.
クリスマスアルバムとかいいね。Recording a Christmas album may be nice.

⑭一番好きな食べ物は?What's your favourite food?

チョコレート、アイスクリームも好きだよ。I love Italian food, such as pasta. I love chocolate and icecream, too!

⑮普段はどんな言葉を話しているの?What language do you usually speak?

ノルウェーでは多くの人が英語を話せるよ。Norwegian. I sometimes talk to my grandmother in English because she is English. Many people can speak English in Norway.

⑯ Edvard Hagerup Griegの曲は歌ったことある?Have you ever sung some songs of Edvard Hagerup Grieg?
北欧の『夏の間の短い夜』を歌った曲なんだ。Yes I have. Summer night for example. The song is about short nights during summer.

⑰兄弟姉妹はいる?Do you have brothers or sisters?

彼女もChildren's Chorusで歌をやっていて、ソプラノなんだ。
将来デュエットもいいよね。Yes I have. Leonora who is 9 years old. She sings soprano in the children's chorus, too! It may be nice if I duet with her in the future.

⑱彼女はいる?Do you have a girlfriend?

いないよ。今は歌に集中したいんだ。No. I want to focus on singing now. But I want one in the future.

⑲将来の夢は?What's your dream?

今も歌でお金は貰っているけどね(笑)I want to make living by singing. I will go to university to study music more. And then I want to be an operatic singer or someting. I earn money by singing now, too! lol
※注:アクセルはまだ13歳です。この年で歌でお金を稼ぐとは、恐るべし!Oh how great he is to earn money by singing...he is only 13 now...

⑳日本のファンのためにメッセージを!!Any message for Japanese fans

心の底からありがとう。I'm very happy to make you happy by my singing. I hope you enjoy my songs. And those who like to sing like me, I wish you good luck. Music connects people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


曲は、 Edvard Hagerup Griegの'Lok'という曲。リカルドさんによると、この歌は放牧などの際、散らばった牛などを集めるときの「呼び声」に関する歌だそうです。
Surprise! Aksel kindly sang a song for Japanese fans. According to Aksel's Dad, It is called "Lok" (which means "call", like in a cow-call for calling cattle for example), and it is Opus 61, No.3 by Edvard Grieg. Oh speechless...※This audio video can be watched by only people who visit this blog page.

Dear. Alsel and Mr. Rykkvin, If you have someting you'd like to ask, please send a message to me. Thank you.