A spectacular victory again!

It's too much fun!!

And I am very interested in how featured it is overseas.

The guardian is getting to be my favorite site!

Many expressions in that site so unique that they impressed me and I enjoy reading the article with my dictionary at my side.

In another TV prpgram, I heard the Japan's World Cup squard highly evaluated and called "the Japanese!".

I think so, too!




squard: a group of players

drag: to pull sb/sth along with effort and difficulty

conviction: a strong opinion or belief

qualifier: a person or team that has defeated others in order to enter a particular competition

at stake: that can be won or lost,depending on the success of a particular action

topsy-turvy: in a state of great confusion

concede: to admit that sth is true,logical,etc

consolation: a person or thing that makes you feel better when ou are unhappy or disappointed

overawe: to impress sb so much that they feel nervous or frightened

equaliser: (especially in soccer)a goal that makes the score of both teams equal

fresh air-kick

Keisuke Honda seized the moment to pick his spot