On Tuesday, I went to MIyajima to walk along a ridge line from Mt. Misen to Mt. Iwahuneyama with two assosiates of our waterfall activity.

We walked around about 17kilometers in which the difference in elevation was almost 1500 meters with the minimum baggage for practicing asceticism. We rarely talked each other and didn't have anything without a few rice balls and water. In a nutshell, we had no snack time. We felt so accomplished!

And furthermore, I recieved the souveniers. Those were ticks!

I found two ticks as soon as I got home and could get rid of them.

They were so small that I could hardly found and squeezed them.

However, 2 days later, I felt something wrong with my armpit. I looked! I found the tick biting and growing up about the same size of a grain rice. I tore off it. I knew what a scary thing a tick is. It is not until that we have been sucked the blood for several days.