Rain!! ピ!ピ!ピ!Rain!! | Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba

Rain!! ピ!ピ!ピ!Rain!!

やばい やばい!!!



Oooh Lord have mercy!!!

I was just walkin' around, doing my thang... and GAAA!!

Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba

最近 K Pop 韓国の音楽を好きになって、

Rain とか 東方神起 とか Big Bang とか Lee Hyori のファンになって…

うわぁ ピのショーに行きたい!

Oh man oh man... do I want to go to this thing!!!

I'm starting to get into K Pop recently... listening to stuff like

Rain and DBSK and Big Bang and Lee Hyori (who is, by the way, one of the most gorgeous Asian chicks out there!!)...

I called every place, everyone I know, but the tickets are all sold out...

Oh my poor heart... ハートブレイク I didn't know about this show at all!!

If only I heard about it earlier...

でも…やっぱり Too late だぁ!


Oh well...今度行こう!(笑)




皆さん お元気ですか?

先週 香港がずっと大雨で、



So how are you guys? Doing well?

It was raining like crazy last week in Hong Kong, so I'm sure everyone here is super relieved to see some nice sunshine today!

Even at night, it's not too hot, so it's pretty nice weather!

Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba

音譜音譜音譜レスリー・アップデート!!LESLEY UPDATE !!!音譜音譜音譜


好きな歌: Big Bang の 「Lies」 と The Veronica's の 「Revenge is Sweeter」

Favorite Song : Big Bang's LIES, and The Veronica's' REVENGE IS SWEETER.

好きな番組: Discoveryチャネルの番組ず~と見てるんですけど(笑) あっ、でも 寝るとかは、必ず フレンズ 見てますね。起きる時は Sex and the City ですね。

Favorite Show : I keep my TV on Discovery Channel all day looong!! Oh, but at night, I gotta watch Friends before I sleep! And I wake up to Sex and the City!

好きな映画: こないだ言ったんですけど、 最近はパパの映画ばっかり見てます!

Favorite Movie : I've been watching a lot of Daddy's movies recently... they're all good!! Hehe

趣味: 夏ですので、Swimmingですね!プール大好きです!

Hobby : It's summer yo!! Gotsta do some swimming!!

うれしい事: 今朝、日本の3人の親友に写真を送りました。そしてみんなの返事が自分の写真で、彼女たちの顔みてすごい嬉しかったですね…そばにいれなくてずっと親しくて大好きです☆愛してるよぉ、Y、A、R!!Hehehe...

Happinessss : I sent a few pictures to my 3 Best Friends in Japan, and they replied with their own recent photos... I was super happy to see their gorgeous faces again ラブラブ! I love you girls!!! Y!! A!! R!! Mwa Mwa!! キスマーク

Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba