Happy New Year!!! | Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba

Happy New Year!!!

みんなさん!Happy New Year!! 今年もよろしくお願いします!

Happy New Year, Everyone!!! Let's have a great 2009! (* ̄Oノ ̄*)

昨日ジュディー・ママの家で New Year's Dinner しました!



We had a great New Year's Dinner at my Godmother's house last night...

Her cooking is SOOOO amazing, I really do think she's like the Asian Martha Stewart... except BETTER!! lol

I always eat waaay too much when it comes to Mama's cooking... YUM!!

Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba-Mama's House

みんなの New Year's Resolution (今年のゴール)はなんですか?





What's your New Year's Resolution for 2009?

Mine, is to be able to read Chinese!! I'm not THAT bad...but I'm definetely not good enough to write letters and what not to my Chinese friends...

Lord, I'm Chinese and yet, Chinese is the only language I'm not fluent in!! LOL

I mean come on, we got English, Japanese, French...and here I am sweatin' coz I can't perfect my HOME LANGUAGE! Gaaa~ガーン

今日のランチは 彩華のパパのカレー食べました!


Today's lunch was Ayaka's father's famous curry!!

This is seriously my favorite dish EVER!!! I'm absolutely obsessed with it... Mmm... ナイフとフォーク

Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba-Kenny's Curry




I'm flying back to Hong Kong in 2 days... Aww, I'm gonna be so sad to leave my darling friends in Tokyo...

But hey, I'm excited to get back to work again! Recording's gonna start soon, so please keep supporting me ne!! さくらんぼ