「Click!入黄金屋」ドラマ・プロモ・イベント | Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba



I can't run just yet, but I'm able to walk normally now! Woot Woot!ぶーぶー

So by now, you can imagine just how desparate I am to get out of the house!! So I followed Daddy to Shangri-La Hotel to check out his Promotion Event for his new drama, Click!入黄金屋 パソコン

If you guys get a chence to check it out, you should watch it! It looks purty good グッド! (・ω・)b

Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba-Click Promo1


In the middle of the press conference, they suprised Daddy with a cake! They were congratulating him for winning the Lifetime Achievement Award a few weeks ago, and also celebrating his 60th year in the entertainment industry! 目

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I love my pops in sunglasses (^_-)☆

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やっとランチ食べれる!と思った瞬間に、パパがリポーターに呼ばれて、食べ物を持ちながらインタビューされました…Oh my God,パパ!!(笑)

Right when Dad finally thought he could grab a little lunch, the reporters pulled him away to do an interview. Mr.stubborn decided to hold ONTO his lunch while being interviewed!!! Gahaha oh LORD!!!

Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba-Click Promo6


I didn't want my picture taken, so I asked one of the actors to grab the plate out of Dad's hand lol

This dude right here, is Jason Chan. He's from England, so his English is crazy posh and sexy ( ´ー`)

I'm so envious of people with sexy European accents, they sound so high class!! 得意げ

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Once the event was done, Dad and I decided to take pictures with the backdrop...

Nice Pose, Dad. Nice Pose.
Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba-Click Promo2


I, on the other hand, fail miserably trying to look like Daddy LOL かお
Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba-Click Promo