今回のエントリーは… | Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba







あたしが 今怒ってるのは、あのチカンの事じゃなくて、彼女の返事が悪いと思います。












あたし一回 大好きなNHK「えいごであそぼ」を撮影する前に、マネジャーさんとの待ち合わせは渋谷のハチ公でした。朝9時だったのに、一人の40歳ぐらいの男の人があたしの前に、パンツ脱いで…「触り始めた」。周りの女の子を見ながら、気持ち悪い笑顔で笑ってて、







だからといって、皆さんはちゃんと ACT しないと!










Today’s blog entry might be a little offensive to some people. Please read with your own discretion. I feel very strongly about this subject, and I apologize for any inappropriateness.

One of my best friends from Canada went to Tokyo recently.

She’s a 20 year old Japanese girl, and she’s one of the cutest, most loveable friends I have.

Unfortunately, she had a very... bad experience in Japan.

She was riding the metro to Shibuya the other day, and apparently, even though it was quite an empty train, this man went up to her and started to… “pleasure himself”.

She was so shocked and scared, that all she could do was move to another seat and avoid the man.

Now, what I’m most angry about, is not the actual… ‘harassment’ itself, but my friend’s reaction. Of course, I understand that in these kind of situations, you get very scared and freeze up sometimes. But I still strongly feel that you MUST do something about it. sexual harassment is a very serious thing, and it should not be taken lightly.

I’ve been sexually harassed numerous times… and unfortunately, all of those experiences were in Japan.

Now, please do not get me wrong. I LOVE JAPAN. I think it is such a beautiful country, and I have many friends and I love dearly there.

However, I still feel like the cases of sexual harassments in Japan are WAY too RIDICULOUS.

People don’t scream, people don’t call the cops. It’s insane!

…but then again, if you think about it, even if you called the cops, they wouldn’t help you.

I once was waiting for my manager to pick me up for a shooting at NHK for “Eigo De Asobo”. It was 9 in the morning, and I was at Shibuya, Hachiko (where the statue of the dog is). This guy in his forties then walked up right in front of me, pulled down his jeans, and started… touching himself. It was disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. He was looking around at all the girl with this gross smile… so traumatic, oh my God.

The police box was just a few metres away, so I ran there and told a policeman to follow me. We arrived ‘at the scene’, and the man was still doing this thing, even in front of the cops. The man looked at him, smiled, and tapped me on the head (how degrading is that?!), and said “We’ll be more careful”, and walked away. I then yelled out “Is this not illegal in Japan?! Arrest him! Do something!”, but he just ignored me.


And you know what’s horrible? I’ve experienced the same kind of thing many more times within my 2 years in Japan. I think it was like 6 times or something like that.

Us girls gotta stand up for ourselves!! Don’t be scared, and MAKE SURE you report to the authorities if you are sexually harassed. Just yell out for help!

One of my biggest regrets is not filing a complaint about that policeman in Shibuya.

His job is to serve and protect, and he did none of that. He was lazy and irresponsible. I’ve never been angrier!

We have the power to change the way people act. We can’t be shy or scared in these situations, we all have to stay strong!!

These criminals deserve to be punished, and need to KNOW THAT THEY ARE WRONG.

It is BECAUSE people don’t do anything about it, that they have guts to do these kinds of things. How is it possible for someone to be crazy and brave enough to sexually harass someone in front of a whole crowd of people? In front of the police?!!

We must all stand up for ourselves, and be STRONG WOMEN (and men!!!).

So please, next time you see, or even experience any kind of harassment, report it.

Ask for help, and don’t be like stupid me, where all I can do is complain and regret not doing anything more into stopping those horrible perverts that still are lurking the streets of Japan.