I LOVE この番組!! | Lesley Official Blog「Lesley from 香港 to 東京」by Ameba

I LOVE この番組!!


We Got Married・結婚しました・우리 결혼했어요」という恋愛リアリティー・ショーです!



しかも、みんなビッグ・スターなんですよ!SHINHWAとか人気ラッパーCrown Jとか…アイドル・ボーイでも出てますよ!たしかSS510というアイドル・グループでしたね…それかSS501…(笑)













皆さん、時間があったら、是非見てみてください!!Oh My God,本当にロマンチックですよ!おもしろいし…




WGM3  (罰ゲームでキ~スラブラブドキドキ)


There is this VERY popular reality TV show in Korea,

It’s called “We Got Married”.

They get 2 celebrities to live together for months and months and months,

And they have to pretend that they are a real life couple. They go on missions and dates, and play all sorts of different games and stuff…

In the end, they decide whether or not they really do want to be with each other,

And whether or not they’re really in love, and really do want to start going out!!

Sounds yummy, huh? Hehe…

And the crazy thing is, it’s not like the states where they get all the Z-listed celebs for these random shows, like “Big Brother”…but the people in this Korean show, are like REAL stars~!! There’s a guy from Shinhwa, and even the rapper Crown J!! They even have an idol boy in there! I think his group is called SS510… or SS501… lol I could never get that right!!

Korea’s awesome, huh? I mean, you can imagine a show like this in Japan? That would be insane! The fans would kill the girl doing all these romantic things with their idols!! Lol

But you know what, to be completely honest, I think it is because Japan is so strict with their arists, that makes everything so special, so unique!

The fans are able to have this strange sense of confidence and happiness, like “Oh, the man I love will be forever mine”… lol

Their dreams won’t be all shattered because their idol’s got a bf/gf, right? They’ll feel like they still got a chance!!

But it just sucks for the stars themselves, coz they can’t go on dates with the one they love… can’t go out and hold hands or kiss…

But hey, you can’t win them all, right?

Everyone chooses their own road…

I’m so obsessed with this show, I watch it everyday! I go through 3, 4 whole episodes a day! It’s so romantic, that even if it’s midnight, I’d scream out loud… alone in my room haha… I feel so bad for my neighbours~!

Can you imagine? Everytime they hug or kiss, I’m like Aaah~!!! Lol

How horrible…

So please, if you guys have a free hour or two, just check it out on youtube or crunchyroll… Coz oh my gosh, this is nothing like I’ve seen before! It’s not cheesy, and it’s not fake like those American reality shows!

You get to learn a lot about the Korean culture to, so it’s kinda fun!