2020/03/19 | leongthomasのブログ


我分享了【84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha - NEW SŪTRA | During these uncertain times, we are pleased to share with you all some precious food for thought: The Nectar of Speech. At the request of the bodhisattva Maitreya, the Buddha teaches a great assembly of monks and bodhisattvas outlining five qualities of bodhisattvas that will ensure they avert obstacles, live long, and attain awakening. When the Buddha delivers this brief teaching, a large number of the monks, bodhisattvas, and celestial beings in attendance attain different stages of realization. Maitreya is then inspired to give a discourse on the benefits of this sūtra and vows to teach it himself in the future during the time of degeneration. His exposition of its benefits and commitment to teach it himself are welcomed and endorsed by the Buddha. Read the sūtra here: https://read.84000.co/translation/toh197.html | Facebook】, 快来看吧!@小米浏览器 | https://m.facebook.com/Translate84000/photos/a.203864866323947/2928660047177735/?type=3&__tn__=%2As%2AsH-R