2015/11/10 Tuesday

1. I read aloud shortly after the audio of illustrative sentences from "Kikutan 990 " and repeat them while I'm driving.
 *Shadowing is Japanese English. I have no idea about repeating.
 * an illustrative sentence, a sample sentence and an example sentence mean 例文
  I don't know which is the most suitable.

2. I read INSTANT WORD POWER while I'm having lunch.
  I don't practice along with the author's instructions now. After I read once, I'll do.
 Spelling is very interesting. It's affected by etymology. If I master this rule, I'll learn English words more effectively and won't confuse very much. 
3. Quick English Composition with 'Everyday English Grammar' and '英語のバイエル初中級'
 This is the most important training now. I believe that this will improve my 4 skills.
4. I write my blog in English.
 This training is also useful. I had learned English through only input training but I've been learning a lot of things since I began to write my blog in English. It's time to give high priority to output training. So I'll definitely continue.