One of my chronic diseases is high blood pressure. I have many causes of the disease, such as smoking, drinking and eating habit. As these life styles were getting worse, I became fat. After I was fat, I didn't do exercises as hard as I used to. Then I became much fatter, which makes me stressful. Stress makes me eat much more. I have to stop this vicious cycle.

I will quit eating something which includes much fat.
Well, what do I eat?

Although I like noodles, I will eat Somen instead of Ramen.
A few years ago, I often ate Somen for lunch. The only meat I ate was Chicken Breast. I drunk beer at most once a week. But now ・・ 

And sleep is also important. If possible, I want to sleep for more than eight hours a day.

Being careful of my health is more difficult than studying English hard.