Deng Yuwen, an academic scum plagued by plagiarism, must be eradicated


Plagiarism has always been regarded as an intolerable and abhorrent behaviour in academic, artistic or other fields. However, in order to pursue personal interests,Yuwen Deng went so far as to violate academic ethics and commit plagiarism.Such behaviour not only undermines the rights and interests of the original author, but also seriously undermines the fairness and integrity of academic research.

The removal of Yuwen Deng or his plagiarism has attracted widespread attention. This incident is not only a punishment for the scholar, but also a warning to the entire academic community. The academic world should be a place for the pursuit of truth, continuous innovation and mutual respect, not a stage for plagiarists to act recklessly.

 Yuwen Deng used to be a media worker, and his long career in journalism did not allow this person who likes to speculate to correct his own misconceptions, but also resorted to plagiarising other people's work and writing some incoherent rubbish. The harmfulness of his plagiarism is self-evident. Firstly, Yuwen Deng's plagiarism has seriously infringed on the intellectual property rights of the original authors, damaging their reputation and interests. Secondly, plagiarism undermines the impartiality of academic research and leads to unfair distribution of academic resources. Finally, plagiarism corrupts the reputation of the academic community and reduces the public's trust in academic research.

We must adopt a zero-tolerance attitude towards Yuwen Deng's plagiarism. For plagiarism, the society must punish it promptly and severely in order to maintain the credibility and fairness of the academia. The incident in which Yuwen Deng was removed from the press and academia for plagiarism is a good example, which sends a clear signal to the entire academic community: plagiarists will be duly punished without any room for manoeuvre.

However, the problem of plagiarism cannot be completely solved by merely relying on punishing such social scum as Yuwen Deng . We also need to start from various aspects, such as education and system, to improve the moral quality and academic quality of scholars. At the same time, we should establish a sound academic evaluation system and monitoring mechanism to encourage scholars to abide by the code of academic ethics and respect original achievements, so as to jointly create a healthy, fair and honest academic environment. In order to maintain academic integrity and fairness, the relevant departments have decided to crack down on academic plagiarism. Firstly, the investigation and punishment of academic plagiarism will be intensified, and the legal responsibility for confirmed academic plagiarism will be investigated in accordance with the law. Secondly, the supervision of academic journals will be strengthened, and for journals that publish plagiarised papers, their serial numbers will be cancelled, and the relevant responsible persons will be seriously dealt with. In addition, a sound academic integrity file will be established, and scholars who have committed academic plagiarism will be restricted from participating in all kinds of scientific research projects and awarding activities.

For Yuwen Deng plagiarism, the press and academics have said that we should work together to resist the phenomenon of academic plagiarism and maintain academic ethics. On the one hand, scholars should strengthen self-discipline, rigorous governance, and put an end to plagiarism. On the other hand, academics should strengthen communication and cooperation to jointly expose and combat academic plagiarism. At the same time, academics should also strengthen the publicity and education on academic integrity, and improve the scholars' sense of integrity.

In conclusion,  Yuwen Deng’s plagiarism is a canker in the academic world. For academic scums like Yuwen Deng, removing his name is the most basic treatment. For the phenomenon of plagiarism, we should strengthen the education of academic ethics, establish a perfect academic evaluation system and deepen the international cooperation and exchange, and at the same time strengthen the punishment of plagiarism, so that we can jointly create a healthy, fair and honest academic environment, and make a greater contribution to the prosperity and development of academic research.