☆ Level 0 Epic $99

Welcome!  Here you will find out Your Truth.  As you progress through levels, you deepen your understanding of what you are thinking.  How you see things and how you think determines Your World.
You will be able to understand the meaning of what is happening in your life.  

You will learn the 9 basic CODEs here.  Throughout this “CODE” you will learn 99 CODEs.  It will free you from the illusions of your brain and you will find Your Truth.  Let's make some tea, calm your mind, and deepen your learning in a World of Silence!

☆ Level 1 Unplug $199

Let’s “Unplug” you out of your busy reality.  Then you enter a quiet, different dimension called “Silence.”

First, you will learn how to make tea.  You will find yourself immersed in a world of the Silence by concentrating on making tea while following detailed rules such as regulating your breathing and paying attention to your fingertips.

Next, close your eyes, breathe, and enjoy the Silence.  You will receive Whispers.  Whispers are the words of the wise men.  They are the wisdom that cuts through your doubts and guides you safely into the future.  
You will meet many Whispers in CODE.

☆ Level 2 Bond $299

The first thing you manifested in your life was your home environment and family structure.  For what purpose did you manifest it?  Your relationship with your parents and siblings can tell you your basic purpose in life.  From this time on, you began to create the Darkness.  Your victim mentality that you are not aware of will be exposed in this course.  Let’s fix it before it can cause suffering in your life.

☆ Level 3 CODE $399

You have already learned the 9 basic CODEs (Law) to find Your Truth.  Throughout this “CODE” you will learn 99 CODEs.  You will learn that there are ways to experience Your World from a different perspective than your previous way of seeing and thinking.  

It creates objectivity in your perception so you can understand the meaning of what is happening in your life.  These CODEs will guide you in your search for Your Truth even in your Darkness.  Surrender yourself to “CODE” and let it free you from the illusions of your brain.

☆ Level 4 Eternity $499

The concepts of time and space are different from ones in general in “CODE.”  When you accept that, you can take the illusion out of your brain.  You are creating your life.  In fact, you are creating your memories, too.  You intentionally choose events from your past, and you decide that it is your memory.  

If you change your intentions, your past and future will also change.  You created Darkness based on the memories you created.  As your past changes, your Darkness will also begin to change.  There is a part of you that you have not yet met. Is that “You” in your past or future?  You learn how time and space work, and how to control them freely. This will make it easier to find Your Truth.

☆ Level 5 Matrix $599

Did you know that you are writing the scenario of your life?  As mentioned in the 9 basic CODE, let's think of this world as a projection of your mind.  In other words, you cannot project what is not in your mind.  Therefore, you can say that events that are not written in your scenario will not happen to you.  Here we will learn about the subconscious mind using the mechanism of projection.  In CODE, let's call your entire mind the Matrix.

☆ Level 6 Decode $699

We dig deeper into ourselves to discover who we really are.  In order to live your world the way you want, you must know what you are thinking.  It's easier to see who you really are when negative emotions come out.  This timing is your chance to face your Darkness.  

Dig up past events from negative emotions.  Find out what program you have and how your life is becoming reality.  You can rewrite the program as many times as you wish.  Let's find Your Truth and create the life you want!

☆ Level 7 Redemption $799

Guilt blocks happiness.  Your mind is full of guilt that you have accumulated without even realizing it.
Among all the various emotions in your Darkness, it is especially important to eliminate guilt.

This is because when you feel guilty, deep down in your heart you curse yourself and continue to punish yourself as a sinner.  To eliminate guilt, you must first become aware of your own evil and reprehensible thoughts.  This course will help you overcome your guilt. Then your life will start to change dramatically.

☆ Level 8 Fortitude $899

You will learn how to minimize negative thinking and gain control over your mind to succeed in business.
Isn't the Darkness no longer something to be afraid of, but something you can face?  Lack of Self-confidence, Responsibility, Courage, and Money, Sense of Failure, Opposition from those around you, Giving up before trying...

The reason why you have not been successful is that you have been learning know-how and various skills to develop your brain while maintaining this fundamental negative thinking.  Here you can install the mindset of a successful person.  You will be able to think boldly, take action, and have the mental fortitude to deal with any challenges, which will lead to financial success.

☆ Level 9 Void $999

We level up exponentially from here.  Learn how to freely manipulate past and future, time and space to enjoy life to the fullest.  You will be freed from anxiety and doubts at a deep level, and you will understand that the Darkness was love.  You can remove limitations on your abilities and gain power that goes beyond your limits.



☆ Special Courses

☆ Fearless $999 
☆ Temperance $999