(日本語は後に続く)Today I went to the Japan Water Color Painting Association (Nihon Suisaiga Kai) Exhibition at the Nagoya Citizens' Gallery (Nagoya Shimin Gallery) in Sakae which is on until January 17th. There, I was delighted to meet my mother, who was displaying this amazing painting she did of us having coffee at a charming coffee shop called Daphne a year ago. The angles, composition and color scheme impressed me. We briefly removed our maskes for a commemorative photo and quickly put them back on again! There were a number a number of splendid paintings by many artists and I was quite fascinated. Nagoya really has a lot of artistic tallent. Of course, seeing my mother's painting made me feel happy. It was a wonderful painting and a wonderful day. 



Those Were the Days on YouTube:

Those Were the Days - An English Version of a Russian Song - YouTube


Ellie the Tree Fairy on Kindle:

Amazon | Ellie the Tree Fairy (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by 嶋本, ローラ | Literature & Fiction | Kindleストア


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