


しかし家で「人が人と出会う時」の音源を流したとき英語名People Meeting People嶋本ローラとちゃんと出ました!なんだか地味に嬉しかった。「shazamいいよ♪(^^♪」と思いました。

Last night, I finally installed an appli called "shazam,"onto my I phone. Then while eating out I kept checking all the music I found interesting that was playing in the restaurant and could find out the artist names and the titles. It was entertaining and informative. Then my husband asked me if it would recognize my songs. Hmmm. I wondered. To be honest, my activities are rather local and I am still kind of struggling,,,But at home, when I played my song "People Meeting People,"by Laura Shimamoto, shazam recognized it! Somehow I felt kind of happy! i thought to myself,"Shazam is nice!"