[サンフランシスコ]ミッション地区の人気サンドイッチ! / Fox and Lion Bread | Tokyo Meets San Francisco - Times Like This -

Tokyo Meets San Francisco - Times Like This -

サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアローカル情報 & サンフランシスコへ来てふと思ったこと。
Local Information from San Francisco Bay Area

(An English version is at the bottom.)










Fox and Lion Bread

























































ウエブサイトによると、毎週金曜日の 午後5-8時はピザナイトのようです。アルコールもあり。




SF Eater によるとXan Devossさんがオーナー。


開店の前は、数年間Haight StreetのLifeというショップで、サワードゥパンをPickup販売したり、ベイビューで共有キッチンスペースを使ってビジネスを展開していたそうです。




実はこちら前に記事にした、Le Dix-Septのすぐ近く(数件先)のMission St x Capp St にあります。







宝石ブルー Sweet Glory

721 Larkin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109


Wed - Mon: 10:30am - 6pm


宝石赤 Sweet Glory

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア情報へ







Hello everyone!


Hello everyone!

This post is about a bakery and cafe where you can get a sandwich with a delicious French style bread.


A bakery that opened in the Mission District at the end of March last year; 


Fox and Lion Bread



They have french style bread.


I heard that the sandwiches were good so we went there to grab some for lunch. There was a little cafe area and some people were enjoying their lunch. We saw some bagels, pizzas and so on in the showcase while they had soup and salad on their menu. 

We ordered two types of sandwiches to go.


  • Nick’s; “Turkey, Salami, cheese on baguette”
  • Zimmerman’s; “Turkey, Avocado, Lettuce on baguette”


For some reasons, Nick’s came with red peppers. My partner don’t like red peppers so I ate them. They were good and I thought it would be a good accent for a sandwich and make a better taste. The sandwiches were bigger than I thought and it surprised me. As it was big in volume with a baguette bread, it tired my jaw; but, I liked the bread. It looked too much for me before eating and thought I’d eat only a half of it, but I ended up eating it all at once. Maybe I was hungry.


A staff carefully made sandwiches one by one so we waited. While we were waiting, we saw some customer dropped by and bought a baguette. 


Since the bread tasted well and I’ll probably go back for the bread next time.


According to their website, they have Pizza night from 5pm to 8pm on Fridays with some alcohols like beers and wines. According to SF Eater, Xan Devoss is the owner who sold a sourdough bread at Life as a pick-up location in Haight Street and has used a shared kitchen in Bayview for a few years before opening up her own storefront.


It’s located at the corner of Mission and Capp St very close to the Le Dix-Sept which I talked about before.





宝石ブルー Fox and Lion Bread

3350 18th Street, San Francisco CA 94110

Mon - Thui:  8am - 3pm

Fri:  8am - 8pm

Sat:  8am - 6pm


宝石赤 Fox and Lion Bread