"READ [PDF]  Punching Out: One Year in a Closing Auto Plant

An elegy&#8212angry, funny, and powerfully detailed&#8212about the slow death of a Detroit auto plant and an American way of life. How does a country dismantle a century&#8217s worth of its industrial heritage? To answer that question, Paul Clemens investigates the 2006 closing of one of America&#8217s most potent symbols: a Detroit auto plant. Prior to its closing, the Budd Company stamping plant on Detroit&#8217s East Side, built in 1919, was one of the oldest active auto plants in America&#8217s foremost industrial city&#8212one whose history includes the nation&#8217s proudest moments and those of its working class. Its closing also reflects the character of the country in a new era&#8212the sad, brutal process of picking it apart and sending it, piece by piece, to the countries that now have use for its machines. Punching Out is an up-close report, at once tender and angry, from the meanest, sharpest edge of America&#8217s deindustrializa&#173tion, and a lament for a working-class culture that once defined a prosperous America&#8212and that is now on the verge of eco&#173nomic extinction.