About me. 
I’m Laia. 
I’m 26.
I restart the blog from now. ...yeah I did twice. First, when I was a high school student. And second one is ended 3 or 4 years ago. Like that time was short-lived. 

Btw, I’m Japanese. But I wanna speak foreign language like local people. Not only English. That’s my dream. 

I like traveling. 
And I really like to learn how to surf at other foreign countries. That’s not surf trip, just a trip. That’s right. I’m not good at surf but I like. So, when I visit somewhere where is near the sea, I always book surf school there. It was very good way to know about local, study language and just for fun🤣Last my trip was surf at Vietnam last December. Miss ocean. 

It’s really hard for us to travel to other countries now. Do you wanna go Hawaii? Paris? London? Me, too. 

So I wanna shere about my travel here. 

Thank you.