set my priorities | Unquiet slumbers

Unquiet slumbers

for those sleepers in that quiet earth.

Reading and painting is what I did once I got home. Can I just say I'm so tired and I just want to spend my Saturday at home??

It's only been 3 days of school and I already feel pressure. Pressure in a good way, I guess. Pressure because it's the last year. Pressure because I'm the temporary secretary. Pressure because I cannot be late and I cannot be absent for this whole school year. Pressure because I need to get good grades. Pressure because I want to read books but whenever I do I feel like time goes by too fast and I end up sleeping late.

So uhm is this still considered good pressure? haha

I just don't want to be stressed this year. I want to enjoy and do my best. I want to go out with friends without having to worry at the back of my mind. I also want to set aside time for myself.

Yeah, I've got a lot to work on.