ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ | Unquiet slumbers

Unquiet slumbers

for those sleepers in that quiet earth.

Going to camp (wonderful whole week in Baguio ♥), going to sleepovers (sleeping over at Nike's later!) and going to retreats (this school year there'll be a 3 day retreat somewhere with the class).... makes me realize how wonderful it is to stay at home. べーっだ!

Idk, I only realize it now when I go out that I have the tendency to miss home. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

On a side note ~ experiencing things for the first time is a nice feeling. It'd be nice if I felt that way when experiencing things. Idk, it seems a lot more special that way. (°∀°)b

So yeah, around 4 more days of this so-called 'summer'. Summer has ended actually, and it's the rainy season already. And I'll be a Senior this year. Ahh time flies so fast. ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ

I am looking forward to a school year full of studying (omg UPCAT and DLSUCET......), hanging out with friends, complete Saturday attendance with the Youth, accomplishing my goals and doing my best. All for God! グッド!