3月にアップした "La réminiscence 12♡原美術館、白い回廊のレミニセンスhttps://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/entry-12447375701.html  の英語版です




This article is an English version translated from La réminiscence 12♡原美術館、白い回廊のレミニセンス  https://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/entry-12447375701.html issued on the 16th March. I am happy and appreciate your kind reading and your help, any comments, or suggestions on my ambiguous English and French translation, if I get it from you. Thanks.


I am writing this blog, la réminiscence, with best thanks and wishes, reminiscing a lover in the far past from the negative films that came out by chance. 






Hello Everyone


The Hara Museum of Comtenporary Art is one of my memories comes to my mind since her negative films came out.

Other museums braugh back my memories are Setagaya, Shoto, Gotoh, and so on.

The reason I reminded this museum in particular is that it had a lot of pictures I abandoned before my marriage, and the pictures of you who posed in the white corridor was shining in them.

That may be the reason why it brought me back memories that ...


Yesterday I visited the Hara Museum on Friday, March 15.

It is a museum of contemporary art in the quiet Goten-yama, where stands about a 15-20 minutes walk from Shinagawa Station.







La Réminiscence of Corridor in White



92 days to unhappiness, note

October 25, 1984 at the Gare du Nord restaurant. Regis, Annette and my mother come to see me off. He preferred not to be there. He doesn't like together.....I start to cry.


Studying in Japan for 3 months to learn pictures
At the café in la Gare du Nord in Paris, on the day of departure for Tokyo, Sophie's lover did not come.




The front yard of the museum,
It is a quiet space surrounded with by large trees.

As soon as I stepped in there,
the scene and air at that time spread at once.




Sophie Calle's exhibition was being opend.

And beyond the gallery,

I could look that white corridor curved softly ...


You held pose here.

Even I didn't request anything.

That your pose,

I remember them well.

Just here, I took your pictures...




White corridor, curved softly in the gallary

You held pose here.




3 days to unhappiness, air mail

How could anyone ever be as sexy as you!




Sophie, Part 1,

unhappiness, Lost Love

Regarding the peaceful and uneasy 92 days until that day.

I went around to see the pictures and letters.


I moved in the courtyard.

Then I took a walk slowly around the works being exhibited outdoors,

heading for Cafe d'Art facing the courtyard,

and I ordered a late lunch and a beer at there.



From the table,

looking at the courtyard which the sunshine like spring,



Wow! Be surprised.

It's like there's a mischievous you there,
that's how I felt the way looked like,
a mysterious time has passed.




Courtyard view from Cafe d'Art

This moment was the best comfortable.

At the café, in quiet time.

I crossed my arm and hands behind my head and stretched my legs ...

I will come again.





1 day to unhappiness, message

We got the following message: Mr. X can't join you in Delhi due accident in Pairs and stay in hospital. Please contact Bob in Paris. Thank you.


The reunion for the first time in three months with a lover who was a promise to meet in Delhi, India, run out.




Sophie, Part 2,

unhappiness, Lost Love

Heart wound after breaking up with a lover.

Her works of conversation with other strangers continued

as if healing it.

I couldn't get upset and stopped to watch on the way.


Your afterimage and words from invisible you.

It is much more fun for me

 to chase it here.

There was also that room, "Linkage of The Time".

What we did in a dark room? 

I forgot that.^^





La réminiscence of corridor in white.


Hope you are fine. 

Wish you to be happy.




La réminiscence, ixprime bcbg 2019






Entrance of Hara Museum

I feel I can hear the footsteps of your heel sandal.


I will come again, thanks




We know the museum is planned to be closed at the end of next year.

I feel very sad, but thank you for leaving a lot of pleasant memories.





for reading my blog.

Let'a se you agin.

Have a fun of your days!







♡She’s been working as a secretary of a general manager and vice president at the French company. For all secretaries, French was essential.

♡Website of The Hara Museum of Comtemporary Art → Hara Museum Web

♡Translation into English:By TOSHIJI, ixprime


レミニセンス記事はときどき英語にしています。他の英語版はこちらになります → Réminiscence English https://ameblo.jp/la-reminiscence/theme-10107941717.html 







Venue at Shoto Museum, Shibuya 

By: La réminiscence, ixprime bcbg 2019