This article is an English version translated from “彼女のウエディングパーティー” issued on the 3rd October. I am happy and appreciate your kind reading and your help on my ambiguous English translation, if I get it from you. Thanks.










Hello everyone,


Last weekend, I participated in my friend’s daughter's wedding ceremony.

The weather was worried due to by typhoon approaching, but it was little sunny at that time during the ceremony and the reception.

It was the way like that, it was celebrating the beginning of their new departure.



At the wedding ceremony,

bride was with her pure white wedding dress,

they declared love,

exchanged rings,

kissed gently.

Birth of a new couple was highly declared,

and the virgin aisle was wrapped in blessing petals.



At the wedding reception,

beginning with a couple getting along well with a message board,

it says, what a wonderful message and surprise appearance!

♡Our baby in my here♡



Happiness filled,

smile was in full bloom.

The reception with such atmosphere also progressed happily.

And the finale.

It was a precious moment,

a letter from a bride, daughter to her parents.



This, after all, really moved me.

Tears anymore from my eyes.

Typhoon rains came out instead, at this time.(^^;)



Wedding reception,

In my case of, I forgot it, but,

during looking at the young couple, I remembered about myself and her.

It was as if she was there.

A lady with a pure white wedding dress.

It is a moment but repeatedly so several times.



It was a winter when I got married to my present wife, of the year I parted with her.

I heard that her news about her marriage arrived soon afterwards.



Wedding reception of non, herself.

I believe how nice it was,

like this day.



Pure white wedding dress

Declared love and vow

Exchanged rings

And kissed gently


Happiness filled

Virgin aisle wrapped with smiles and blessings




Hope you are fine.


Wish you to be happy.




Date à minuit, avenue de la Aoyama dohri. Elle et moi nous sommes arrêtées devant la robe de mariée.



The wedding reception finished with smiles and blessings.

As I left the hall, it was raining.


To a new couple

Happy wedding!

Keep this happy feeling forever.


Alright, bye 
■ La réminiscence, 2018
La réminiscence♡24日は愛酒の日

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Copyright: La réminiscence, ixprime 2018.