魔法使いの家 075-681-5227 


​​​ Am8-Pm10, Over Offer:"At anytime." 


 "YOU TUBE" : Original music   


How to use the Tarot cards!

​​​​オリジナルソング”It's your turn"


オリジナルソング Original music in  YOU TUBE ϡ
★"心のホ-ムレス"、 "





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 日記を書く - 楽天ブログ (rakuten.co.jp) 

​​How to find out the WICHIES 'HOUSE in Kyoto from the Hachijou entrance of Kyoto station,


ロータス in Kyoto​​​今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​​​​​
​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 - YouTube
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTub​​​​
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube

​​​魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​ 


トヨタが、ペロブスカイト太陽電池使用の車の発売で充電が不要に、25年に発売か?? (196) 【海外の反応】すべてトヨタの計算通りだった!トヨタの新型充電不要EVにテスラや中国が発狂! - YouTube

Toyota to release car using perovskite solar cells, eliminating the need for charging; to be released in 2025?

open, sign, lights, relationship

《至急》大学4年 女子です。




[Urgent] I'm a female university student in my fourth year.

I've finished my job hunting and am thinking of starting a part-time job.

When I searched on an app, I found similar light work jobs at Fullcast Co., Ltd., Next Level Co., Ltd., Sun Ladies Co., Ltd., and others, but are there any dispatch companies you could recommend? ?

I would appreciate an answer.

Doggo, Typing, Dog, Working, Hard, Hardly, Homework, Work, From, Home, Tricks, Funny, Animals




テンプスタッフ: 総合的な評価が高く、多くの人に利用されています。

アデコ: 信頼性のある派遣会社で、幅広い職種を扱っています。

スタッフサービス: 質の高いサポートと多彩な求人を提供しています。

パソナ: 大手であり、幅広い業界での求人があります。

リクルートスタッフィング: 多くの求人案件を取り扱っており、利用者が多いです。


派遣会社のおすすめ人気ランキング20選【2024年】 | マイベスト (my-best.com)
<企業様向け>即戦力採用ならビズリーチ (bizreach.biz)
【2024年最新版】おすすめの人材派遣会社24選比較 | 単発・紹介予定・無期雇用など働き方別で徹底比較! | イーデス (a-tm.co.jp)
【2024年最新版】人材派遣会社人気おすすめランキング11選【主婦・大学生も】|セレクト - gooランキング
【2024年最新】派遣会社おすすめ比較ランキングを徹底解説 (talentsquare.co.jp)










労働条件の確認: 勤務時間、給与、休日、保険などの労働条件をしっかり確認しましょう。書面で提示された内容と口頭での説明が一致しているか確認することも大切です。

労働環境の理解: 働く場所や職場の雰囲気を把握しておくことが重要です。同僚や上司とのコミュニケーションが円滑にできるかも確認しましょう。

安全対策の意識: 作業中の安全対策を理解し、遵守することが必要です。特に軽作業や接客業では、注意深く行動することが求められます。

シフトの調整: 学業や他の予定との調整を考えて、シフトの希望や変更の相談をすることをお勧めします。

労働契約の確認: 契約書をよく読み、不明点があれば質問しましょう。雇用契約の内容を理解しておくことは重要です。


















It's great to start a part-time job after finishing your job search! Choosing the right dispatch company is important, but here are some recommended dispatch companies. The following are popular dispatch companies, so please refer to them1234:


Temp Staff: High overall rating, used by many people.

Adecco: A reliable dispatch company that handles a wide range of jobs.

Staff Service: Provides high-quality support and a wide variety of job offers.

Pasona: A major company with job offers in a wide range of industries.

Recruit Staffing: Handles many job offers and has many users.

If you are a university student, we recommend a dispatch company that handles "student welcome/one-time" jobs. If you are in your 20s, it is a good idea to choose a dispatch company with many job offers that are "inexperienced OK"45. We recommend that you check whether each dispatch company has an office in an easy-to-reach location and check the training and support system. 12345

Reference: ■■

If there is an English proficiency test, I would be a private tutor

I am looking for people who want portraits on social media

Fortune teller

★★★ Personally, I recommend stock investment.


It depends on your luck, but you can continue doing it for the rest of your life. Companies that pay dividends are reassuring.



There are a few points to consider before starting a part-time job. The following are points to keep in mind:


Confirm working conditions: Make sure to confirm working conditions such as working hours, salary, holidays, and insurance. It is also important to check whether the written information matches the verbal explanation.


Understand the working environment: It is important to understand the place of work and the atmosphere of the workplace. Make sure you can communicate smoothly with your colleagues and superiors.


Awareness of safety measures: It is necessary to understand and comply with safety measures while working. In particular, light work and customer service work require careful action.


Shift adjustments: We recommend that you discuss shift requests and changes, taking into consideration adjustments with your studies and other plans.


Confirm the employment contract: Read the contract carefully and ask questions if you have any questions. It is important to understand the contents of the employment contract.


Understand these points and start your part-time job with peace of mind


I'll share some points about resumes and interview preparation when starting a part-time job! 


Preparing your resume:

Check whether the job information requires you to submit a resume.

You can purchase resumes at stationery stores and convenience stores. Check the section to fill in and choose one that will enrich your content.

If there is a section for a photo ID, prepare a photo ID in advance. You can also use a resume app.

Pre-interview checklist:

Find out the transportation and travel time to the interview location.

Necessary items to bring are your resume (if necessary), a seal, and identification (insurance card, driver's license).

Etiquette for making a good first impression:

Dress cleanly on the day of the interview.

It is best to arrive at the interview venue 5 minutes early, but it is safer to arrive near the venue 15 minutes early.

Examples of interview questions and answers:

Think about your motivation for applying and how you will promote yourself.

Respond to questions from the interviewer based on the answers you prepared in advance.

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but be confident! 123

【面接対策】バイトの面接で失敗しない!事前準備、履歴書やハンコのマナー、質問対策まで | Indeed (インディード)
アルバイトの始め方とは?応募方法や採用までの流れ、面接の事前準備についても解説 | Indeed (インディード)


魔法使いの家​​​​​​​​​​ http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0756815227/index.html?​​

 オリジナルソング Original music in  YOU TUBE ϡ

 " あなたが、あなたであるため      


