魔法使いの家 075-681-5227 


​​​ Am8-Pm10, Over Offer:"At anytime." 


 "YOU TUBE" : Original music   


How to use the Tarot cards!

​​​​オリジナルソング”It's your turn"


オリジナルソング Original music in  YOU TUBE ϡ
★"心のホ-ムレス"、 "





 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1295473137187509&id=380909655310533000000&aymt_tip=0&ref=aymt_homepage_panel …​  

 日記を書く - 楽天ブログ (rakuten.co.jp) 

​​How to find out the WICHIES 'HOUSE in Kyoto from the Hachijou entrance of Kyoto station,


ロータス in Kyoto​​​今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​​​​​
​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 - YouTube
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTub​​​​
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube

​​​魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​ 




Japanese companies with subsidiaries in China are pro-China companies and American should not forgive that companies.

as they consider, it dangerous and won't allow it...!

Because companies that are pro-China have been cooperating with China for many years, so their technology has improved and aircraft carriers have been built. If we don't break up with China, which betrays us by returning our kindness, we will become estranged from America...! ! Eventually, Japanese car companies and electronics-related companies will also withdraw.


open, sign, lights, relationship




My number card has been reissued.

However, I lost my reissued My Number card again due to my inability to store it, and I'm about to go to the city hall to have it reissued for the second time, but I wonder if they'll say anything...?

By the way, should I go directly to the city hall and have it reissued? Can I apply for it online?




マイナンバーカード機能停止の手続き: マイナンバー総合フリーダイヤル(0120-95-0178)へご連絡をお願いします14。この手続きは、原則ご本人様にお願いしておりますが、代理人による一時停止も可能です1。

警察への遺失届・盗難届の提出: 遺失届・盗難届を出していただき、受理番号を控えてください1234。

市区町村への届け出と再発行の申請: お住まいの市区町村へ届け出をしていただき、マイナンバーカードの再発行のお手続きをおとりください1234。




If you lose your My Number Card, you will need to follow the procedures below1234.


Procedures for deactivating the My Number card function: Please contact the My Number general toll-free number (0120-95-0178)14. In principle, this procedure is requested by the person in question, but it is also possible for a representative to temporarily suspend the procedure1.

Submit a report of loss or theft to the police: Please report the loss or theft and write down the receipt number 1234.

Notification to the municipality and application for reissue: Please submit a notification to the municipality where you live and complete the procedures for reissuing your Individual Number Card1234.

Please note that you can apply for reissuance of your Individual Number Card directly at City Hall (1234). You can also apply online by issuing an application form with an application ID and QR code at the municipal office where you are registered as a resident1.


There are no particular restrictions on reissuance, but if you lose it many times, it may be pointed out that there is a management problem. However, this is just a warning, and reissuance itself will not be refused. In order to protect your important personal information, please be careful not to lose it in the future. 1234
マイナンバーカード及び個⼈番号通知書、通知カードを紛失してしまった場合はどうしたらいいですか︖ – マイナンバーカード総合サイト (kojinbango-card.go.jp)
マイナンバーカードを紛失したら?再発行までの手続き・必要書類を解説 | Airレジ マガジン (airregi.jp)
マイナンバーカードを再度取得したい【通知カード・マイナンバーカード】(FAQ)|名古屋おしえてダイヤル (city.nagoya.jp)
マイナンバーカードの再交付申請|東京都北区 (city.kita.tokyo.jp)

魔法使いの家​​​​​​​​​​ http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0756815227/index.html?​​

星 http://twitter.com/
星 http://mixi.jp/list_diary.pl?
オリジナルソング Original music in  YOU TUBE ϡ


 " あなたが、あなたであるため      


