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​​How to find out the WICHIES 'HOUSE in Kyoto from the Hachijou entrance of Kyoto station,


ロータス in Kyoto​​​今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube​​
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​​​​​​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​​​​​
​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 - YouTube
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTub​​​​
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube

​​​魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​

open, sign, lights, relationship

Will US Steel in the United States settle for being acquired by Cleveland-Cliffs, the second-largest steel company in the United States, for 1 trillion yen (half the acquisition price in Japan)?
 I don't wanna hope it !
アメリカのUS steelは、米国鉄鋼2位のクリーブランド・クリフス社の買収再提案(日本の買収価格の半額)の1兆円で買収される方向で決着か・・? 

それは望みたくない !!

Dakota Johnson Foreshadowing GIF by Madame Web psychic, dakota johnson, crystal ball, the future, fortune teller, madame web, clairvoyant, foreshadowing, i can see the future, foreshadow, i see everything

My stock is facing the serious situation, as the Japan N company is going to buy the US Steel company of American ,but USW and president Biden and Trump are opposite strongly, 

it 'is very anxious for me and Japan N company.

If it gets the good answer,the comopany  and Japan and America might be good relation ship,and tghe stock might be good hign stage but  it is slowing down to more low place now.

even if the dividend is very high :4.4% now,

Axnxious problenms is the future !!






英語の翻訳はほぼ正しいようですが、わかりやすくするために改善される可能性があります。 改訂版は次のとおりです。

Your English translation seems to be mostly correct, but it could be improved for clarity. Here’s a revised version:


“I’m deeply concerned about my stocks because the Japanese company ‘N’ is planning to acquire the American US Steel company. However, this move is strongly opposed by the United Steelworkers (USW), President Biden, and Donald Trump. This situation is causing a lot of anxiety for me and the Japanese company ‘N’. If the acquisition is successful, it could potentially improve relations between Japan and America, and possibly elevate the stock to a higher level. However, currently, the stock is trending downwards. Despite the high dividend yield of 4.4%, the future is filled with uncertainty.”


Regarding the situation you mentioned, it appears that N, a Japanese company, has indeed announced plans to buy US Steel in a deal worth nearly $15 billion1. This move has been met with opposition from the United Steelworkers union, President Biden, and even Donald Trump23. The union and the politicians have expressed concerns about the impact of this acquisition on American workers and national security23.


As for the stock performance, it’s important to keep an eye on the market trends and news related to these companies. As of now, I don’t have the most recent data, but it’s always a good idea to consult with a financial advisor or do thorough research before making any investment decisions. Please note that the stock market can be unpredictable and investing in it always comes with risks.

日本製鉄(株)【5401】 ​My stock is facing the serious situation, as the Japan N company is going to buy the US Steel company of American ,but USW and president Biden and Trump are opposite strongly,  it 'is very anxious for me and Japan N company. If it gets the good answer,the comopany  and Japan and America might be good relation ship,and tghe stock might be good hign stage but  it is slowing down to more low place now. even if the dividend is very high :4.4% now, Axnxious problenms is the future !! 日本のN社がアメリカのUSスチール社を買収する予定で、私の株は深刻な状況に直面していますが、USWとバイデン大統領とトランプ大統領は強く反対しており、 それは私にとっても日本N社にとっても非常に心配です。 良い答えが得られれば、同社と日本とアメリカは良好な関係にあり、株価は良い段階にあるかもしれないが、現在はさらに低迷している。 たとえ配当が現在4.4%と非常に高いとしても、 厄介な問題は未来です!!



I would like you to consider the points of discussion in Model United Nations. I'm the Chinese ambassador.

Topic: Resolution calling for withdrawal from Palestine














1: BBC


As long as each side sticks to its own interests, even if one party continues the war and one wins the war, other related countries may become involved and the war may continue forever. From the UN's perspective as a third party, we need concrete and beneficial measures. A ceasefire was achieved once the opinions of the United Nations were reflected.

The next step is to recognize the right of these two countries to exist and to bring them together under the leadership of the United Nations.

For the sake of human peace, we must find a way to coexist.

As has been the case in recent years, some UN officials should not unilaterally back up and take sides.


The following points can be considered for a resolution calling for withdrawal from Palestine.


Withdrawal from Palestine could lead to improved relations between Israel and Palestine.


Meanwhile, Israel argues that its withdrawal from Palestine could pose security problems.

This issue continues to be hotly debated in the international community. At the United Nations General Assembly, a resolution calling for an ``immediate humanitarian ceasefire'' between the Islamic organization Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip, an autonomous region of Palestine, was adopted by a majority vote.

There are various positions on this issue. In order to deepen the discussion, why not consider referring to the opinions and proposals of other countries?

1: BBC