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 日記を書く - 楽天ブログ (rakuten.co.jp) 

​​How to find out the WICHIES 'HOUSE in Kyoto from the Hachijou entrance of Kyoto station,


ロータス in Kyoto​​​今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​​​​​魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​​​​​
​​​​魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 - YouTube
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTub​​​​
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube

​​​魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​


open, sign, lights, relationship

小学校で6年生の学年委員をしています。6年生の卒業記念品に添えるお祝いのメッセージの文を考え中なのですが良い文が思い浮かびません。。。 コロナで学校が休校なり色々制限されて色々と我慢や辛い思いをしてきた年代です。 そのあたりの内容を文に入れ込みたいなと思うのですが、アドバイスいただけませんでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。 I am a grade committee member for 6th graders at an elementary school. I'm trying to think of a congratulatory message to add to my 6th grade graduation gift, but I can't think of a good one. . . I am in the age group where I have had to put up with a lot of hardships due to the closure of schools and various restrictions due to the coronavirus. I would like to incorporate this into the text, but could you please give me some advice? Thank you.

​​回答:​​コロナ禍で学校が休校などの制限があったことで、皆さんは我慢や辛い思いをされたことと思います。しかし、そのような状況下でも、皆さんは学業や活動に励み、成長されたことでしょう。 今回の卒業記念品には、皆さんの努力や成長を称えるメッセージを添えるのはいかがでしょうか? 以下は、参考になるメッセージ例です:


これまで、日本でそして世界中で多くの人が新型コロナウイルスに苦しんできましたが、感染の拡大を防ぎ、健康と安全を守り、また周りの大切な人々を守るため、コロナでの休学となり皆さんが心待ちにしていた、一生に一度のかけがえのない授業がなくなったりするなど、あなた方の貴重な機会がなくなったりしましたが、この休業期間中に、先生や友達と過ごす時間や絆の大切さなど、いつもは当たり前と思っていた日常の大切さを感じとれる機会でもありました。そうした、当たり前の日常への感謝の気持ちをいつまでも忘れないで いってほしい思います。







​Answer:​I'm sure everyone has had to endure hardships due to restrictions such as school closures due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, even under such circumstances, I am sure that you all worked hard in your studies and activities and grew. Why not add a message praising everyone's efforts and growth to this graduation souvenir? Below are some example messages that may help:

■Reference text:

Congratulations graduation.

A long time has passed since you entered this school, and each of you has gone through various experiences and events, and I believe that you have grown tremendously under the watchful eye of the adults around you. We are now approaching the graduation ceremony, a turning point in which we all celebrate the time we have spent together as we prepare to become more adults.

Until now, many people in Japan and around the world have been suffering from the new coronavirus, but in order to prevent the spread of infection, protect health and safety, and protect the loved ones around us, we have decided to take a leave of absence from school due to the coronavirus. We have missed out on valuable opportunities, such as the loss of once-in-a-lifetime irreplaceable classes that you were looking forward to, but during this period of school closure, we hope to share with you the importance of spending time and bonding with your teachers and friends. It was also an opportunity for me to realize the importance of everyday things that I usually take for granted. Never forget the feeling of gratitude for these ordinary everyday things. I would like you to go.

Those around you are happy with your growth and are looking forward to your future.

Please cherish your past experiences and do your best in your future path.

I hope that you will push forward with hope and move forward with confidence.


>"Thank you for your hard work over the past six years. I'm sure you've all had a hard time due to the coronavirus pandemic, but you've all worked positively and grown. We'll continue to remember your efforts and move forward with confidence. Please go.”

>"Congratulations on your graduation! You all have overcome school life during the coronavirus pandemic, learned a lot, and grown. I hope you will continue to make use of that experience and walk your own path."

> ``Thank you for your hard work over the past six years.I'm sure school life during the coronavirus pandemic has been difficult for everyone.However, you have all worked positively and grown.We will continue to remember that spirit. Please carve out a future that suits you.”

By adding a message like the one above, you can praise everyone's efforts and growth, and pray for further progress. Was it helpful?

卒業メッセージ文例集|一言でもかっこいい表現や感動を呼ぶ名言も! | 暮らし | オリーブオイルをひとまわし (olive-hitomawashi.com)
この春卒業を迎える皆さんへ (mext.go.jp)

卒業メッセージカードテンプレートでおしゃれな卒業式のカードデザインを無料で作成! | Canva
「コロナ禍で卒業式を迎えられる学生の皆様を対象に、“卒業おめでとう”を伝えたい」。「さくらさくり~玄米粉で焼き上げたグルテンフリーゴーフレット 抹茶味~」を1000名様に無料配布を発表 | 株式会社イームインターナショナルのプレスリリース (prtimes.jp)

 アメリカの景気が良く金融当局のFRBが、インフレ抑制のため 利上げしたのですが、日本は景気が悪く定位の利下げにままで 為替において、円に対して、ドルが強く円安状態で、一時¥150を超えていましたが、最近・アメリカの引き閉め停止を見すえて、円は¥150を割っては来ていますがまだ、安くそのため輸入品の値段が高くなり、すべてに原材料あがっています、したがって国内でのインフレは続いています、加えて、戦争で世界の石油が不足でも、石油産出国の供給増産もなく石油の値段も上がってきています。原油に関しては、将来・安価な材料での石油や、水素やアンモニアなど他の材料に変わりそうです。また日本近海やイスラエル沖などに石油は算出されます。

The American economy was doing well and the monetary authority, the Federal Reserve, raised interest rates to curb inflation, but Japan's economy was bad and they continued to cut interest rates.In terms of foreign exchange, the dollar was strong against the yen, and the yen was weakening for a time. It used to be over 150, but recently, in anticipation of the suspension of monetary tightening in the United States, the yen has fallen below 150 yen, but it is still cheap, so the price of imported goods is increasing, and raw materials are going up for everything. Therefore, domestic inflation continues, and in addition, even though there is a world oil shortage due to war, oil prices are rising as oil-producing countries do not increase supply and production. Regarding crude oil, it is likely that in the future it will be replaced by cheaper materials such as petroleum or other materials such as hydrogen and ammonia. Oil is also calculated in waters near Japan and off the coast of Israel.

​​​Note: A weaker yen is good for Japanese export companies because they can buy much more easily than before because the other side pays in dollars, but Japan now has to buy imported goods in dollars, making them cheaper than the previous dollar. : Comparing it to around ¥110, it is no longer worth it, and in yen it becomes a high payment in exchange for Doyle, requiring a high payment of more than 30%, which increases the price of many imported goods and leads to inflation. The price has increased due to the influence of snow.