


When raising a child, eventually he will be all grown up and you’ll think he is a wonderful existence. You’ll love him, and his well-being becomes more important than that of yourself.

These days you sometimes see on tv of mothers having killing their babies due to resentment or not wanting to take care of them ....I can’t even imagine that such a tragedy could ever happen ...

My heart aches terribly every time I hear of such things and as a doctor and more importantly a mother, I wonder if there is anything I can do to prevent these things from occurring. 

I could urge young ladies to attain sexual knowledge and utilize birth control to protect themselves from unexpected pregnancies. In fact, sexually active women should take a pill on a daily basis to minimize the chances of unexpected pregnancies. 

If you did not take such precautions and find yourself in the situation where there exists a chance of unintentionally becoming pregnant, taking a morning after pill within 72hours could help prevent an unwanted pregnancy. So don’t worry, just come to our clinic and take a pill. However, a morning after pill is not 100 percent so it is imperative that one learns to utilize birth control every day because it is much more guaranteed.

If you know it’s unexpected, just forget about it and protect your body and plan for your future. And you must learn birth control nicely this time. We will help you. Medication is supposed to be ¥5000,but if you can’t afford it you can pay any amount. We will help you. Doctors and nurses are counselors and are here to help you. We will wait for you. So don’t hesitate to ask us. We no longer want to see the tragedies on the news that stems from unwanted pregnancies. This is my first step to do something small for the little eventual little children. 

Actually today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me!! 
And Thank you Mom for giving birth to me and raising me!
