
Have you ever wondered if your bladder and bowel habits are really normal? Did you know that pelvic pain is quite treatable? Would you like to learn how to achieve phenomenal orgasms? Most women have never been taught this paramount information, so they were left feeling hopeless...until now! Between the Hips offers the solutions you've been missing. In this compassionate and personal illustrated guide, Dr. Megan Rorabeck crushes common pelvic health myths from adolescence to elderhood, and she offers practical solutions to make sure you get the help and relief you truly need and deserve.  An annotated outline for this guide includes:  &#8226Introduction: Gone are the days when women had to accept their pelvic health symptoms as normal just because they had a baby, got older, or were plagued with &#8220female trouble.&#8221 With this book, there will be no more taboos or secrets about their bodies&#8212only solutions. &#8226 The Pelvic Girdle: This anatomy lesson is unlike any other 