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[READ ]  Layla's Room (Modern Plays) | Respect women, respect girls. Respect yourselves. Remember you are everyone who's gone before you and you are nobody that has ever been, so make it count, make it special, make a difference, make people listen, love the women who have loved you and watch us make the world move to a better place. For Layla, every day is a battleground.The pay gap, the thigh gap, over-sexed pop and selfies that are photoshopped &#8211 they're just part of the world she lives in.But that world is about to change.While breaking out of her bedroom &#8211 and with drama, comedy, poetry and music as her weapons &#8211 Layla breaks down and makes sense of the realities, difficulties and absurdities of teenage life in the UK today.Collected from a bespoke national survey, the voices of a thousand UK teens are brought to life in Layla. Their ambitions, concerns, role-models and regrets are woven together by award-winning Sabrina Mahfouz and theatre company Theatre Centre, offering a hard-hitting, yet hopeful, 