mindfulness - meditation- | do what I love

do what I love

毎日、確実に進歩し続ける。(Today's myself will decide tomorow's myself.)人と比較しないでまずは自分を越えていく。”とことん馬鹿になってとことん恥をかいて本当の自分が見えてくる”感謝の気持ちを持ちながら毎日を笑って過ごせるように・・

<From Monash University>


(DAY 2)







1.make the eating time


2.take the time


3.mindfully engage your all five senses: eating slowly, chewing well

And so, Take time to notice and feel the texture, sounds, aromas, flavors and the colors of the foods in front of you

Mindful to the atmosphere, think about the company from where the foods come

And so, be more easily sensitive to itself

And so, this allows you to fully be present, get the most enjoyment, and pleasure put of the foods


4. Ask yourself “am I actually physically hungry?”

If you’re mindless snacker, and tend to eat just for boredom or out of habit, take a time to connect with and ask for your body



Incorporating mindfulness meditation including to mindful eating makes you relieve from stress, anxious, depressed and triggered.

And we can feel extremely vulnerable during these states and foods come to be our medicate or our comfort.




People, who achieved successfully at the peak, is the one, he concentrates just on the present, doesn’t feel anxious for the future. Paradoxically, he wins the best result in the future than the others.

(People who are focused on the present moment are calm and perform best because when fully engaged in their task there is no room for worry about the outcome.



Focusing not on the results, but on the process
